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Vol. 11 No. 5 (2021): Vol. 11 No. 5 (2021)
Vol. 11 No. 5 (2021): Vol. 11 No. 5 (2021)
Health Communication Pattern of Thibbun Nabawi Prophetic Medicine Adjust to Indonesian Culture
Susanne Dida ,Elnovani Lusiana
Obedience No Eid Homecoming 2020 West Java Citizens During Global Pandemic Covid19: A Literature Review
Trie Damayanti ,Susanne Dida ,Aang Koswara
Determining the influence of Consumer Behaviour in using Co-Branded Card during Pandemic-Covid19
Yulianti Keke ,Susanne Dida ,Dadang Sugiyana ,Asep Suryana
Health Promotion Media in The Prevention of Cervical Cancer in Pangandaran Indonesia
Purwanti Hadisiwi ,Hadi Suprapto Arifin ,Ditha Prasanti ,Andika Vinianto Adiputra
Management of Communism Issues in The Soekarno Era (1959-1966).
Abie Besman ,Dian Wardiana Sjuchro
Human Trafficking Countermeasure Efforts of the Indonesian Government on Social Media
Benazir Bona Pratamawaty ,Evie Ariadne Shinta Dewi ,Putri Limilia
Hatenography On Twitter During the Covid19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Hate Speech Case Against Anies Baswedan
Atwar Bajari ,Rustika Nur Istiqomah ,Iwan Koswara ,Dedi Rumawan Erlandia
Online Prostitution Network in Twitter and Automatic Identification System of The Government
Christiany Juditha ,Eni Maryani ,Aceng Abdullah ,Rahmi Setiawati
Community for Community: A Significant Feature of Community Radio for Economic Development
Dian Wardiana Sjuchro ,Ute Lies Siti Khadijah ,Nuryah Asri Sjafirah
Application of Planned Behavior Model: Factors Affecting Young Mothers' Intention of Behavior in Stunting Prevention in West Java
Jenny Ratna Suminar ,Hadi Suprapto Arifin ,Ikhsan Fuady ,Sarah Aisha ,Moch.Armien Syifa S ,Ditha Prasanti
Framework of Assessing Local Press Performance
Efi Fadilah ,Atwar Bajari ,Asep Suryana ,Nik Norma Nik Hasan
The Utilization of Social Media and Digital Technology in Kraton Yogyakarta.
Wulan Purnama Sari ,Atwar Bajari ,Hanny Hafiar ,Puji Lestari
The Formulation of Cartoon Television Shows for Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Schoolers
Septiawan Santana K ,Meria Octavianti ,Firmansyah
Doctor-Patient Communication in a Coastal Community in Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia
Tine Silvana Rachmawati ,Deddy Mulyana ,Rizki Nurislaminingsih
Discourse and Identity in the Indonesian Short Animation "Si Pitung"
Arief Ruslan ,Siti Karlinah ,Dadang Rahmat Hidayat ,Engkus Kuswarno
Communication in Pentahelix Collaboration for Nonformal Womens School in West Java
Atalia Praratya ,Susanne Dida ,Dadang Sugiana , Purwanti Hadisiwi
The Ecosystem in Communication Networks
Sinta Paramita ,Engkus Kuswarno ,Agus Rusmana ,Eko Harry Susanto
Television Documentary Program Indonesia Bagus; A Semiotic Social Analysis
Freddy Yusanto ,Dadang Rahmat Hidayat ,Rahmat Edi Irawan ,Yasraf Amir Piliang
Exploring the Different Opportunities For Information Diversity in the Digital Disruption Era
Feri Ferdinan Alamsyah ,Dian Wardiana Sjuchro ,Siti Karlinah ,Herlina Agustin
Ritual Communication in Building Religious and Cultural Harmony
Iriana Bakti ,Suwandi Sumartias ,Trie Damayanti ,Aat Ruchiat Nugraha
Tourism Information and Communication System in Indonesia Tourism Village
Ipit Zulfan ,Dian Wardiana Sjuchro
Publication Trendin the Public Relations Field Which Involves Academics in the College
Ari Agung Prastowo ,Hanny Hafiar ,Risa Nurisani ,Nurul Asiah ,Eny Ratnasari
Narrating the Implementation of Social Welfare Community Program
RYogie PrawiraW ,Hindina Maulida ,Willya Achmad
Society Participation in Household Waste Management Through Waste Bank In Pekanbaru City
Suryani ,Aras Mulyadi ,Thamrin ,Dedi Afandy
Use of information technologies at the service of law in Colombian "Legaltech"
Jaime Alberto Paez ,Marco Nieves Ruiz ,Jairo Palacios Rozo ,Lugo Barbosa Guerrero ,Jairo Cortés Méndez ,Fredys A. Simanca H
A Comparison of Learning Achievement in English for Industrial Management Class of The Undergraduate Students from The Faculty of Engineering and Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Through the Concentrated Language Encounter
Prapet Kraichan
Collaboration of Government Policies and the Marind Tribe Communities on Mangrove Resources Management in the Payum Coastal Area of Merauke Regency in Papua
Sajriawati ,Astaman Amir ,Hendra Jondry Hiskya ,Rezky Uspayanti ,Serli Hatul Hidayat
Efforts to Increase Student Concern for the Environment Through Learning Planting Plants in Primary Schools
Rudolfus Ruma Bay ,Algiranto ,Ratna Purwanty ,Yonarlianto Tembang ,Kasmira
Local Wisdom and its Implication for Nature Conservation
Rezky Uspayanti ,Ranta Butarbutar ,Fredy ,Hendra Jondry Hiskya ,Sajriawati ,Andi Fadiah Ainani
Public Policy Analysis on Plastic Waste Control in Merauke
Novike Bela Sumanik ,Wayrohi Meilvidiri ,Lamtiar Siregar ,Serli Hatul Hidayat
Geographical Information System (GIS) in Mapping Conservation Areas of Indigenous Peoples in Wasur National Park RI - PNG
Marsujitullah ,Klemens A Rahangmetan ,Suwarjono ,Teddy Istanto ,Cipto ,Irma Kamaruddin
Optimization of Mangrove Forest Utilization: Similarities to Improve the Society Economy of Kampung Onggaya Papua
Dewi Putri Anjar Wulan ,Aldisa Arifudin ,Nurwijayanti ,Serli Hatul Hidayat
Implementation of guided inquiry models to improve problem solving skills and environmental stewardship of elementary school students in Papua
Dewi Puji Rahayu ,Fredy ,Karlina Wong Lieung ,Umar Yampap ,Agus Kichi Hermansyah ,Andi Fadiah Ainani
Implementation of public policy on ecommerce system development to promote distribution of goods and premium product of Department of Non-formal and Informal Education (NIE)
Monthakant Rodklai
Methods For Teaching Kazakhstan's Global Competitiveness Through an Elective Course on Economic and Social Analytics For 11th Grade Secondary School Students
Azamat Baitassov ,Kulyash Kaimuldinova ,Gulmira Berdygulova ,Kaster Sarkytkan ,Sholpan Karbayeva
Effect of Customer Loyalty, Innovative Management, Knowledge Management and Marketing Management on Business Performance of Three Stars Hotel in Eastern Region of Thailand
Sakul Jariyachamsit
Marketing Communications of Tourism Business Performance in Thailand
Supaporn Wimonchailerk
Factors to Success in Accounting Management Business of Saving and Credit Cooperative in Thailand.
Dr. Anocha Rojanapanich
Geological Structure Identification of Rock Distribution with Resistivity Geolistric Methods in Landslide
Ranta Butarbutar, Felisitas K. Ulian, Kasmira
Formation Of Readiness of Future Teachers-Psychologists for The Organization of Psych diagnostic Activity
Sandugash Rapikova, Aygerim Kosherbayeva, Indira Oralkanova, Gulzhanar Jumazhanova, Aray Amanova
Professional Training of Future Teachers for The Implementation of Interdisciplinary Educational Integration in Profile Training.
Zholdasbekova S.A. ,Uzakbaeva S.A ,G.S Karataev ,Yskak A.I ,Baybolov K.S.
Pedagogical Terms in Self-Organization of Learners During Education Process in Higher Educational Establishments
Kosshygulova Aliya ,Asanbayeva Saule ,Ayazbayeva Assemgul ,Orazakynkyzy Farida ,Kuanbayeva Bayan ,Bissenbayeva Zhanat
Study of the level of professional selfdetermination of students in grade 9
Marfuga Absatova , Yeshmetova Gulnara ,Meiramgul Dzhanbubekova ,Saudabayeva Gaulmir ,Somzhurek Baubek
Formation of Future Teachers Professional Competence on the Bases of Modern Technologies
Imankulova Lyailya ,Rakhmetova Nurziya ,Tastanbek Dariya ,Zholdasbekova Saule ,Kalymova Assel ,Matay Bulbul
Decision to Leave or Remain in the Career as Early Childhood Educator: A Binary Logistic Regression Model
Norimah Rambeli ,Emilda Hashim ,Fauziah Che Leh ,Norlaile Salleh Hudin ,Muhamad Firdaus Ramli ,Mazlina Che Mustafa ,Sopia Md Yassin
A Successful Career In Early Childhood Education: A Focus On Personal Values Of Childcare Trainees
Romarzila Omar ,Nor Azah Abdul Aziz ,Norlaile Salleh Hudin ,Mazlina Che Mustafa ,Sopia Md.Yassin
Development Of Teachers In Visual Art Sketching Skills Approach In The Early Childhood Education Professionalism
Muhamad Firdaus Ramli ,Norimah Rambeli ,Bahbibi Rahmatulah ,Mazlina Che Mustafa ,Sopia Md Yassin
Value Creation in Preschool Educational Supply Chain
Norlaile Salleh Hudin ,Noraine Salleh Hudin ,Emilda Hashim ,Norimah Rambeli@Ramli ,Mazlina Che Mustafa ,Sopia Md Yassin
Early Identification of Children with Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD): Practical Assessment for Needs in the Early Childhood Education Programme
Grace Annammal Piragasam ,Jamilah Omar ,Sopia Md Yassin ,Mazlina Che Mustafa
Using Rasch Model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Assess Instrument for Successful Person on Quality of ECCE
Arasinah Kamis ,Ridzwan Che Rus ,Mazlina Che Mustafa ,Abu Bakar Mamat ,Rafiezah Mohd Zulkifli ,Khairul Anuar Hasnan ,Sopia Md Yassin
Malaysian Parents' Perspectives on the Quality of Malaysia Early Childhood Care and Education Program
Omar, Jamilah ,Mazlina Che Mustafa ,Sopia Md Yassin ,Norazilawati Abdullah ,Suzani Mohamad Samuri
The Effect of the Innovation Resistance Factors on the Digital Fishery Platform Acceptance in Developing Country
Edi Purwanto ,Rachman Sjarief ,Chaerul Anwar
Mediating effects of Inbound Open Innovation on Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance
Fazal Akbar ,Abdul Talib Bin Bon ,Mohammed Emad Alshaikh ,Fazli Wadood
Effectiveness Education Based on SelfEfficacy for Strengthening Behavior of Foot Care in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Indonesia
Nuh Huda, Nursalam, Tintin Sukartini, Qori Ila Saidah, Dwi Priyantini
New Student Admission System for Community Development Program in Bandar Lampung City (Model Evaluation Cipp and Adversary)
Robert Edy Sudarwan ,Burhanuddin Tola ,Komarudin ,Handoko
The Condition of the Company's Board of Directors' Approval as a Restriction on Selling Shares and its Impact on Shareholders' Rights in Jordanian Law: A Comparative Study
Abdullah Omar Althunibat
Role of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices on the Achieving of Sustainable Competitive Advantages: The Mediation Role of Strategic Leadership and Organizational Culture
Nadra F. Tawfig ,Suzilawati Kamarudin
The urgency of restricting the making accessibility phrase in Article 27 of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law from the human rights perspective in Indonesia
Wayan Wesna Astara
The Water-Climatic Balance of Mosul Station and Al-Kut Station for the Period from (2010- 2020)
Dr. Adnan Odeh Flaih
Policy Analysis and Sustainable Environmental Development: Green Leadership in Natural Resource Management
Normalina ,Muhammad Hatta ,Hafizianoor ,Hamdani
Developing a Criminal Model in the Application of Corporate Criminal Liability to Environmental Criminal Actions
Benone J. Louhenapessy ,Salampak ,Mohammad Hadin Muhjad ,Heriamariaty
Computer Job Satisfaction Level Prediction
Suwut Tumtong ,Nichanun Samakthai
The Impact of Financial Resources, Knowledge, Conflicts, and Involvement Issues in Coastal Development: Empirical Investigation of Vietnam
Trung Van Tran, Lai Thi Cam Phan
The Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Profession of Teachers Attitude Obstacles with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) Teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Banjarmasin
Muhammad.Yuliansyah ,I Nyoman Sujana Degeng ,Bambang Budi Wiyono ,Achmad Suprianto ,Murdiansyah Herman
Analysis of Water Quality on Environmental Health of the Kahayan Riverside, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan
Dileli Dharma Astoeti ,Sulmin Gumiri ,Liswara Neneng ,Ardianoor
Watching 1950s Movie in Makassar (On Disorder, Modernity, and Globalization)
Suriadi Mappangara ,Ilham Daeng Makkelo ,Nur Adyla Suriadi
Determining The Floating Markets Local Food Processing to The Royal Food into The Kitchen of The World
Witthaya Mekhum ,Waleerak Sittisom
The Innovation of Thai Royal Food Cuisine Processing at Suan Sunandha Palace Among Australia
Waleerak Sittisom ,Witthaya Mekhum ,Pong Horadal
Upgrading The Quality and Standards of OTOP Products for Creating the Community Economic to The Civil State Products on Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy.
Witthaya Mekhum1 ,Waleerak Sittisom
Information Systems Development for Tourism Routes Management to The Eastern Economic Corridor.
Waleerak Sittisom ,Chalermpol Tapsai ,Thammarak Srimarut
Development Of Production Technology for Developing Community Products Based on Sustainable Local Knowledge.
Waleerak Sittisom ,Witthaya Mekhum ,Wichai Vanpetch
SWOT And Competitiveness Analysis in Creating Value in Health Care Service: Study Case of Outpatient Service in A Type C Hospital in Cimahi
Oktora Yogi Sari ,Iqbal B. Muslim ,Nizkia Aussel ,Shelfina F. F. Priatna ,Muhammad Reyhan Derielda ,Irvan N. Herianto ,Djoko Roespinoedji
Design And Implementation IVR Outbound Service API Using Text-To-Speech
Esa Fauzi ,Adri Genta Rahdian ,Agustinus Ipan Suryana ,Penta Al Ansyah ,Tiara Nastiti Handana Ningtias ,Kinanti Dara Nurkhofifah
Decision Support System for Profile Matching Methods in IOS-Based Mobile Applications
SY. Yuliani ,Lilis Maesaroh ,Restuningsih ,Ari Haryana ,Fahmi Sidik ,Fahmi Sidik
Effect Of Recruitment and Work Culture on Employee Performance (Study at Pt. Glostar Indonesia 1 Block A Laminating Department)
Ryan Kurniawan ,Bambang mulyadi sudjatmiko ,Akbar indrajati Al Arief ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
Supply Chain Management, Competitive Advantage on Performance of Sme Companies in Bandung, West Java
Wien Dyahrini ,Muhammad Syahri Mauludin ,Chaerul Ichsan ,Obsatar Sinaga
Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen Methods in Doing Stock Portfolio Performance Analysis
Dede Hertina ,Nada Destriani ,Muhammad Daffa Naufal ,Riva Desilva Dauliah ,Dewi Sisca Sinaga ,Ayu Wardani Nursapriti ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
The Influence of Profitability and Dividend Payout Ratio (Dpr) On Income Smoothing
Remon Gunanta ,Monica Alvionita ,Teja Budi ,Karina Dewi ,Fellya Bella ,Fitri Anggriawati ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
The Effect of Company Size, Profitability, And Solvency on Audit Report Lag on Lq-45 Companies Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2018-2020
Eva Elani ,Cindi Riza Agustin ,Eneng Dyna Sulastri ,Miftah Akbar S ,Rachmat Hidayat
Transformation of Accountants in Industry 4.0 and the New Normal Era
Shinta Dewi Herawati ,Alvarida Putri ,Martina Indah Citra Biru ,Meylinda Kalistiani ,Roy Jonathan ,Sinta Nur Aprilianti ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
Surveillance Studies (Tracer Study) On Alumni S1 Study Program Management Faculty of Economic and Business Widyatama University
Yelli Eka Sumadhinata ,Rocky Cantaka Damario ,Melianica Hardiawan ,M. Hafizh Fadillah ,Moch. Rizky Maulana ,Elizabeth Gayatri ,Djoko Roespinoedji
The Effect of Liquidity, Solvency, And Profitability on Stock Return (Empirical Study on Property, Real Estate, And Building Construction Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2014-2017 Period)
Bachtiar Asikin ,Eva Siti Nur Afifah ,Halimah Aldiba ,Nona Almira Nabila Kania ,Rd. Annisa Al Aliyyu Rahma Firdaus Rajab
Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance (Empirical Study on The Automotive Industry And Components Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange For The 2016-2019)
Yati Mulyati ,Muhammad Akbar Tri Hendriawan ,Muhammad Fajar ,Rafi Ramdhani ,Arini Putri Athifadiya ,Achya Aisya Suhendar ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
The Impact About Charge Officer Administration Quality, Expense Endorses Furthermore Charge Agreeability Fees with Respect to UMKM Taxpaying Consistence
Diah Andari ,Arfan Ferdian ,Diana Kristina Suhendar ,Muhamad Fahri Dwi Putra ,Renaldie Adwityan ,Rizky Amelia Putri ,Obsatar Sinaga
The Influence Of Good Corporate Governance (Gcg) Toward Financial Performance (Case Study At Pt. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Pln)
Bunga Indah Bayunitri ,Larasati Sukma ,Aufa Fania ,Libna Zizilia ,Alifa Rizqika ,Syifa Nur
A Critical Discourse Analysis to Prevent the Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha ,Novita Widia Ayu ,Suci Widda Fridiana ,Melinda OTT ,Ninda Listiani ,Herawati ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
Value Added Tax: Development and Issues in Indonesia
Yoga Tantular Rachman ,Desri Wulansari ,Sugiarti ,Uswah Zaitun Rodhiatan Mardiah ,Yane Amelia ,Ica Cahyaningsih Untari ,Haizam Saudi
Stock Price Impact of Liquidity, Solvency, and Profitability
Dede Hertina ,Diyah Adi Verawati ,Dahlia Dyah Permatasari ,Annisa Tri Betari ,Siska Nur Oktavia ,Muhammad Farhan Fauzan ,Obsatar Sinaga
The Influence of Brand Image, Trust, On Buying Interest in E-Wallet ‘Ovo’ In Bandung City
Uce Karna Suganda ,Meidina Sekar Hapsari ,Muhammad Iqbal Tawakal ,Djoko Roespinoedji
Hollow Roll Machine Design With VDI 2222 Method and Sample Additive Weighting (SAW)
Yani Iriani ,Dandi Rifaldi A ,Willy Rizkilah R ,Tifani Bella F ,Fitria Dewi L ,Rifan Rizwan
The Influence of Legislative Performance and Public Trust on Constituent Loyalty (Study on the 2019 Legislative Election in the Electoral District of Southeast Sulawesi Province)
Abdul Kadir ,La Husen Zuada ,Mahyudi ,Worakamol Wisetsri
The Influence of using Anthony Model for Guided Reading on the Achievement of Physics and Convergent Thinking among Students of the College of Agriculture
MSC Sameerah Adnan Thrther ,dr.Etmad N Fayadh
The effect of online EFL classes during the Covid 19 pandemic: Evaluating the performance of university students and teachers in Saudi Arabia
Kholoud A. Alwehebi
Civil liability for sports injuries
Mohammad Haimed Mahamoad
Legislative deficiency in the procedural aspect of information crime.
Ameel Jabbar Ashour ,Dina Attia Mashaf
Teachers' perceptions of their role in cognitive awareness, health protection and the promotion of ethical value aspects among students with the Corona Corvid 19 virus pandemic via the distance learning system
Amani M Al-Hosan ,Nawal M AL Rajeh ,Ahmed Hamza
Attitudes of Students of the Faculty of Mass Communication at Yarmouk University towards Using Video platforms in Distance Education
Khalaf Lafee Alhammad ,Mohamed Habes ,Farhan Al Olaimat ,Ismat Haddad
Minimizing Delivery Costs With The Saving Matrix Method (Case Study At Pt Sei)
Hari Fadlisyah ,Dimas Septiawan ,Jamari Mahmudin ,Muhamad Syafii (Ceffi) ,Atep Wildan Hakim ,Setijadi
The Effect Of Internal Control On Fraud Detection (Case Study On Several StateOwned Enterprises Banks In Bandung City)
Niki Hadian ,Annisa Nazhara Rufaidah ,Vina Vionica ,Destiana Avionita ,Ifan Ibrahin ,Alifia Zumar ,Obsatar Sinaga
The Influence of Perceived Usefullnes, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Risk in the Shopee Application on Consumer Decisions in Online Shopping During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sri Wiludjeng Sunu Purwaningdyah ,Nadia Fitria Haerunnisa ,Salma Novia Hairunnisa ,Nessa Salsa Wardhani ,Cherya Larasati ,Yogie Permadi Siahaan ,Obsatar Sinaga
Student Grade 0Using Fuzzy Logic
Eka Angga Laksana ,Bambang Teguh Munajat ,Kandi Permana ,Siti Aisyah ,Sulton Fadlillah Wijawanto ,Taufiq Ridwan Soleh
Does Stock Return Influenced by Macroeconomic Factors?
Shendy Amalia ,Arif Mardiansah ,Mochamad Krisnandika Ajitresno ,Muhamad Rahmat Taryana ,Naufal Alif Irmansyah ,Vandi Fernando Umbas ,Obsatar Sinaga
The Influence of Compensation and Communication on Job Satisfaction of CV Pustaka Garut
Nabilah Ramadhan ,Caroline ,Hari Rachmansyah ,Eka Amelia ,Rahmadi Maulana ,Fellitta Natharina Januar ,Obsatar Sinaga
The Effect of Capital Investment Decisions on Performance (Case Study on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Assisted by the West Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bandung)
R Susanto Hendiarto ,Resha Juwita Nurjanah ,Tony Noviana Wijaya ,Rian Ardiansyah ,Wina Dias Septiani ,Rian Aldian Syach
Determination of Restrictions on Palm Oil Biofuel Imports by the European Union Through RED II (Reneweable Energy Directive) Against CPOPC (the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries)
Dwi F. Moenardy ,Putri Noor Fadillah ,Sintia Catur Sutantri ,Frendyan Yosana
The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Learning on Organizational Performance on Embroidery Msmes in Tasikmalaya - Indonesia
P. Haula Uljanati ,Baruna Nazararief ,Vina S. Marinda ,Indah Setiawati ,Viga R. Risviana ,Elfa A. Astari
The Japanese 'Cat' Idioms on Cyber Platforms
Nurza Ariestafuri ,Aa Juhana ,Resi Restiana ,Yulianti Widiastuti ,Risa Fonita Restiani ,Delia Apriyani
The Influence of Brand Image, Shopping Lifestyle, And Fashion Involvement to the Impulse Buying
R. Adjeng Mariana Febrianti ,Maxi Tambalean ,Gantri Pandhami
Strategy Analysis of Culinary Business in the Pandemic Era Using the Timmons Model Approach (Case Study Rm. Andalas)
Artarina D. A. Samoedra ,Artarina D. A. Samoedra ,Ibrahim Rizkina Vinantama ,Alvy Harry Ramdhani ,Farhan ,Diki Ahmad Subagja ,Faisal Maulid Latif
Perceived Control, Service Convenience and Swift Guanxi Online And Their Impact on Repurchase Intention
R. Adjeng Mariana Febrianti ,Beryl Fredlin Putra Yoke ,Noegroho Adhi Wicaksono
The Effect of Asymmetry Information and Profit Management Against Cost of Capital Equity in the Company Manufacturing Registered in Bursa Efek Indonesia
Yana Hendayana ,Siti Rahmah Hidayati ,Surahmansyah ,Rendy Styawan ,Vedro Yudha Laksana ,Muhamad Aril Putra Pratama
ASEAN opportunity as a global human rights actor: prospect and challenges
Manotar Tampubolon
A Geographical analysis of the Efficiency of Educational services (Kindergarten and primary schools) in the city of Mashkhab
Dr. Dargham Khaled Abdel Wahab Abu-Kalal ,Raed Leftah Easa Al-Hisnawy ,Huda Ssfaa Abdulwahhab Al-Wani ,Ahmed Judy Hammoud
Hydraulic properties of Dammam aquifer in Shithatha area within Karbala Governorate / Iraq
Maytham R. Qaddoori ,Qusai Y. Al-Kubaisi.
Exploring the Role of the Fishbone Diagram on Iraqi EFL Learners' Expository Writing
Saadiya Wudaa Alquraishy ,Suaad Abdul Ameer Meteab ,Ghusoon Mahdi Mahlool
Persuasion in Cyber Blackmail’s Emails: A pragma-dialectical Study
Noor Saad Sabri Al Asfer ,Haider Kadhim Bairmani
The Goodness and Wickedness and Their Implementation in Children's Act Transcripts
Marwah Shaker Ridha Al-Shaibany
Relationship between Gender Difference and Students' Perceptions of Google Translate Use and Accuracy along with Difficulties
Hussein Fahim Abdalhussein
Spatial Analysis of Wholesale Trade Establishments in the City of Hilla
Fadhel Abbas Fadhel Jadoua ,Zaman Sahib Jawad Hanawan ,Qasim Hasan Darb
The journey of the Franciscan Odoric De Bordenone and Ibn Battuta to China (8th century AH / 14th AD)
Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai
Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills Within Indonesian Language Learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Hj. St. Mislikhah, M. Ag.
Bilateral Agreements of Opposing and Neighbouring Countries to Define Maritime Borders and Equitable Divisions of Natural Resources in the Arabian Gulf
Ali Mohammed Kadhim
Facebook Relationship with Promoting Public Health Awareness of the Corona Pandemic: A Survey on Facebook Users
Zahraa Husein Jabar ,Ghalib Kadhim Chyad
The Effectiveness of the Lesson Study Strategy on Classroom Practices Among University Students
Dr. Turki Al Masaeid ,Dr. Wayne Fabian James ,Dr. Sunder Ramachandran ,Dr. Ayman Ramadan Zahran
A Socio pragmatic Study of Police Power in Selected American Police Interviews
Wasan Hadi Kadhim ,Prof. Muayyad Omran Chiad
Temporal And Spatial Changes of Some Indicators of The Water Quality of The Tigris Within Nineveh Governorate/ Iraq
Nathir Ghanem Mahmood ,Ibrahim Omar Saeed ,Fathi Abdullah Mandil
The Effectiveness of The Information and Communication Technology Program in Developing the Professional Competencies of School Teachers in Anbar Governorate
Muthenna Salih Hussein ,Mahmood Bdaiwi Freeh
Psycho-Pragmatic Study of Sarcasm in Selected Quranic Verses
Muayyed Omran chiad ,Manal Abdulameer Alyan
Arab Information Associations and Libraries
Ahllam Jabbar Qassem Muhammad ,Hana Abdelhakim Kadhoum
Press in Hilla After World War II, Al-Tawheed Magazine January 30-June 29, 1946 as a model (Historical Study)
Jabbar, Maitham Abdul Kuder
Politics Financial And tax in Iraq (A study Historical in the general budget for the fiscal year 1976)
Maitham Abdul Kuder Jabbar
The Effect of Service Innovation and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction during Covid 19 (Survey of Tokopedia App Users in Bandung 2021)
Didi Tarmidi , Oki Firdaus Yunus ,Richaldo Maykin ,Salsabila Zahratunnisa ,Ravi Fariz Ramadhan Hidayat ,Dhita Hasna Nurfauziah ,Mohd Haizam Saudi
The Gcg’s Effect Implementation on Prevention of Fraud
Mirna Dianita ,Vania Salsabila Hidayat ,Reghina Hasna Salsabila ,Riska Widyasari ,Deden Lesmana ,Asep Maulana
Enterprise Architecture Design Analysis Using Togaf Framework for Business Process Support
Iwan Rijayana ,Akhmad Nizhami ,Rizkya Rachman ,Nanda Aditya Permana ,Devi Fitriah ,Muhammad Rama Sahputra
Design and Implementation of Admin's CRUD System on the Cermat Website
Azizah Zakiah, S.Kom., M.T. ,Reza Syahrial Putra ,Muhammad Ghifari Azmi ,Luthfi Hafiyyan Nabila ,Dede Iryawan
The Influence of Price, Product Quality, and Brand Image on Purchase Decisions for Ultra UHT Milk Products During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Adam Faritzal ,Via Nirwana Sari ,Citra Shofiyya Lestri ,Asyifa Gunawan Putri ,Biyan Raihan ,Reyhan Humam Wendhiarko
Variables Affecting the Capital Structure of Agricultural Companies
Sakina Ichsani ,Naufal Zain Susanto ,Arizky Haykal Kamaludin ,Efan Dhiya’ul Haq ,Praditya Nandito Ma’mun
Iot-Based Rfid Door Lock System (Dls) Security for File or Value Protection
Sukenda, S.T., M.T. ,Gabriella I. ,M. Iqbal A.P. ,Asep Y.N. ,Rafiq T ,M. Rizky P
Marketing Strategy Model in Efforts to Maintain MSMEs during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Keni Kaniawati ,Rismayani ,Astri Maulidiany Putri ,Rani Rahmawati ,Keke Mustika ,Dwinada Fahra Nurahmadani
The Effect of Production Costs, Promotional Costs, Operational Costs, Sales Results, and Total Assets Turnover on Net Income in Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx) Manufacturing Companies 2009 - 2016
Ferry Mulyawan ,Siti Nurul Hajah ,Reny Anggraeni ,Livia Elvariani ,Yolandra Tasya ,Aulia Rahmah
Huge Impacts AI on Sports
Ulil S. Zulpratita ,Rizal Nur Shiddiq ,Dhandy Ardiansyah ,Muhammad Taufik Akbar ,Abdurrozak Fathoni ,Muhamad Rico Pratama
Women's Group Empowerment Practices: Knowledge Construction Study at The Liza Mangrove Studio in Pematang Johar Village
Yurisna Tanjung ,Mujahiddin ,Leylia Khairani ,Sahran Saputra
Identity Politics of Veiled Women in Indonesia (Case Study on Niqab Squad Community)
Sahran Saputra ,Yurisna Tanjung ,Efendi Augus
Iraqi public trends toward American elections
Al-Saadi, Ali Sadiq; Al-Amri, Mohamed Hassan
The Reliance of The Baghdad Public on Social Networking Sites to Be Exposed to Television Programs
Mustafa Amer Ibrahim ,A.M.D. Hayder Ahmed Allaw
Analysis Of the Characteristics Of HOTS-Based Assessment for Learning Items Using the Rasch Model
Munali ,Wardani Rahayu ,Herwindo Hariwibowo
The Innovation of Tourist villages To Enhance Tourist Visits in Samosir, North Sumatera
Erika Revida ,Februati Trimurni , Sukarman Purba
Application of Rasch Model on Basic Chemistry Tests Computer-Based Hots 0categories.
Luki Yunita ,Muktiningsih Nurjayadi ,Herwindo Hariwibowo
The Practice of Salawat Nariyah in Rural Javanese Society Indonesia: Religiosity or Sociality?
Mohaammad Pribadi ,Nurdin Nurdin
Land Cover Amendment in Coastal Areas of Surabaya due to Coastline Change based on Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery
Dika Ayu Safitri ,L.A. Bespalova ,Filsa Bioresita ,Rheza Tri Nugroho
Retest on Online Test: How Stable and Reliable?
Bulkani ,Rita Rahmaniati ,Chandra Anugrah Putra
Integration of RBL and CLR to Enhance Analytical Thinking Skills of Pre-Service Teachers
Montha Chumsukon ,Niraj Ruangsan
Policy Implementation of Village Funds; A Comparative Analysis
Ishak Kusnandar
The Relationship between Coronavirus and Atmospheric Pollutants over Iraq
Wedyan G. Nassif ,lqbal H. Abdulkareem ,Osama T. Al-Taai ,Zainab M. Abbood
Mazu Festival of Meizhou Island, China: The Construction of Chinese Self-Identity in Modern Society
Ke Yihan ,Peera Phanlukthao ,Mateta Sirisuk
A Bibliometrics Analysis of Management Control System
Putri Mutira ,Meutia ,Helmi Yazid ,Elvin Bastian
Cultural Assimilation in Community's Ritual TauLotang in Indonesia
St. Aminah ,Abdullah Tahir ,Muh. Jufri ,Hannani ,Firman ,Muhammad Aswad
Collaborative Model of Family and Health Workers Support to Improve the Success of Tuberculosis Treatment: A Qualitative Study
Stang ,Sumarni Marwang ,Muhammad Rachmat ,Mustamin
The Economy as a Legal Compliance Threat in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Isharyanto ,Jadmiko Anom Husodo ,Sri Wahyuni
Crime of Democratic Kampuchea Government Make Cambodia and Vietnam in the 20th Century
Pham Thi Hue; Luu Van Quyet; Nguyen Thi Kieu Tien
A Religious based Education Concept for Good Personality Development in a Crisis: The Case of Improving Indonesian Students Morals and Character
Ahmad Sarbini ,Yayan Rahtikawati ,Syamsudin ,Qiqi Yuliati Zaqiah
Analysis Of the Role of The Sharia Supervisor System in The Supervision, Anti-Fraud and Compatibility Audit System in Sharia Compatibility Optimization
Andi Muhammad Yasin ,Reni Supriyatni ,Isis Ikhwansyah ,Etty Mulyati
Some Solutions to Correct Vietnamese Pronunciation Mistakes for Hmong Ethnic 5-Year-Old Children at Nursery School
Dr. Phung Thi Thanh
Ho Chi Minh Ideologies on Public Propaganda and Organization
Lai Thi Ngoc Hanh ,Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy ,Dinh Thi Hien
Standardizing place names with Tay-origin elements in Tuyen Quang province, Viet Nam
Phd. Duong Thi Ngu ,MBA. Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy
An Overview of the Current Educational Strategies for Women: A Prospective from Saudi Arabian vision 2030
Alhazmi, Amal Hassan; Kamarudin, Suzilawati
Study of teaching / learning by simulation applied in nursing training: Case of the Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Techniques in Fez
Abdelilah Merabti ,Abdelrhani Elachqar ,Tarik Sqalli Houssaini ,Fatiha Kaddari
The Current State of Teaching Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics in Secondary Schools in Kazakhstan
Kaiyngbayeva Zhadyra ,Shukayev Marat ,Kossanov Bagdat
The Guzheng Music in Henan Province, China
Hu Xiaoqian ,Khomkrich Karin ,Sayam Chuangprakhon
The Buyi Folk Song in Guizhou Province, China
Zhang Di ,Khomkrich Karin ,Sayam Chuangprakhon
The Making Craftsmanship of Yuping Xiaodi Musical Instrument in Yuping County, Guizhou Province, China
Li Xingchen ,Sayam Chuangprakhon ,Khomkrich Karin
The Identity of Phu-Thai Music in Savannakhet Province, The Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)
Weerayut Seekhunlio ,Sayam Chuangprakhon
Values of Life and Local Culture in the Architecture of the Mataram Palace of Yogyakarta
Muhammad Roy Purwanto ,Supriadi ,Tamyiz Mukharrom ,M. Hajar Dewantoro ,Putri Jannatur Rahmah
Development Illustrated Dictionary with Local Culture to Support Cultural Literation on Elementary School
Abdul Rahman Rahim ,Munirah ,Syahruddin ,Syafruddin ,Aziz Thaba
Optimization of Student Character Education through the Pesantren Program at the Islamic Boarding School of the Universitas Islam Indonesia
Muhammad Roy Purwanto ,Supriadi ,Tamyiz Mukharrom ,Putri Jannatur Rahmah
Corruption in Infrastructure Development in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Supriadi ,Muhammad Roy Purwanto ,Tamyiz Mukharrom ,Putri Jannatur Rahmah
Consumers' Behaviour to Purchase Nakhon Si Thammarat Nielloware: A Case Study of Mueang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
Jirawadee Yingkongdee ,Supakorn Iamamporn ,Pradit Songsangyos
Impact of lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic on the learning status of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Bangalore
Rosaline Suvarna Latha ,Sheeja Karalam
Use and Influence of Organizational Power and Politics: A Literature Based Exploratory Study
Noor Un Nisa ,Sadaf Khan ,Jamshed Adil Halepota
Tourism Sector: Identification of Variables to Boost Tourism in the Long Run
Yogieta S Mehra ,Monika Bansal ,Pradumn Kumar
Hydromorphmetric Analysis of The Natural Properties of the Hadamr Basin Under Climate Change: Ayneh Valley as A Model
Maysoon Taha Mahmoud Al Saady
Assessing the Level of Students' Exposure to English Language in ELT Department at Tishk International University-Erbil, Iraq
Rawand Sabah Ahmad ,Reman Sabah Meena
Intensive Orientation English Course on Listening and Speaking Skills for BBA Students for Cooperative Education
Prapet Kraichan ,Kanjana Chanphram
The Struggle for National Independece and Some Revolution Features for Strengthening Independence in Indonesia
Pham Thi Huyen Trang ,Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy
Discussion on Case Teaching Method in a Risk Management Case Study with Econometric Model at Vietnam Listed Banks – Issues Of Economic Education for Students
Do Thu Huong ,Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy ,Nguyen Thi Hang ,Pham Thi Huyen Trang ,Duong Thi Ngu
Analysis of the Meaning of Poso Terrorist Violence Codes Using a Semiotics Approach
Lukman S. Thahir ,Amanah Nurish
Distribution Of Slums, Building Configuration, And Land Cover Composition in Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Using a Geographic Information System
Miftahul Chair ,Fadly H. Yusran ,Husaini ,Nasruddin
Urban Environmental Challenges and Management Facing Amman Growing City
Nour Abdeljawad ,Imre Nagy
Government Performance Accountability: New Media opinions and a brief review of Policy Implementation in Indonesia regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in the last two years
Achmad Supandi ,Soesilo Zauhar ,Endah Setyowati ,Hermawan
Mapping of Research Settings and Topics on Social Work Students in Indonesia and Malaysia
Oman Sukmana ,Khadijah Alavi ,Zaenal Abidin ,Hutri Agustino
Integrating Landscape Ecology in Campus Planning: Recommendation for the future Physical development of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Gourpada Dey ,Mohammad Tanvir Hasan ,Abhijit Mazumdar ,Subrata Das
The Shanxi Badatao in Shanxi Province, China
Hao Yantian ,Khomkrich Karin ,Weerayut Seekhunlio
E-Learning Learning Model to Improve the Quality of Student's French Master
Hesti Fibriasari ,Zuhri Ramadhan ,Nurilam Harianja ,Baharuddin ,Dina Ampera
Panggoba; Traditional Knowledge in The Planting Season Calendar of The Duhiadaa Pohuwato Gorontalo Indonesian Community
Yowan Tamu ,Pawennari Hijjang ,Ansar Arifin ,Safriadi
Effectiveness of Problem-Based Integrative Thematic Learning Modules to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students
Dada Suhaida ,Lela Susanty ,Rahmawansyah Sahib ,Agus Amin Sulistiono ,Abdul Wahab ,Lucia H. Winingsih
Problems of Legal Regulation of" International Standards " of Unified Inquiry
S.I. Girko ,S.V. Kharchenko ,A. A. Dolgopolov ,L.V. Pavlova ,S.U. Latyshev
Analysis of the Performance of Public Transportation Services in the Traffic Perspective of the City of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Bambang Istianto ,Nico Djajasinga
Education Curriculum Reform in Higher Education Through Evaluation Measures (Case Study of Research and Development of Teaching Material for Scientific Writing Courses at Iain Sultan Amai Gorontalo)
Muhammad Arif ,Yuwin R. Saleh ,Yanty K. Manoppo ,Harni Jusuf ,Enni Akhmad ,Munirah
A Structural Model of Volcano Tourists' Revisit Intention: A Study at Tangkuban Perahu Nature Reserve and Nature Tourism Park
Usep Suhud ,Mamoon Allan ,Rizki Rizki ,Ramdhan Kurniawan
Application of E-Magazine in The Web Komunita
Egi Abinowi ,Deindra Rendragraha Julian ,Diela Virgiandini ,Khalied Hafiz Azis4 ,Rizal Kurnia Fadhil A ,Ferdian Hendriyana Putra
Analysis Of Stock Prices Movement of Pharmaceutical Companies Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange Before and During a Pandemic (2019 - 2020)
Adi Bayu Sagara ,Fitria Friga Damayanti ,Novi Pramesti ,Riska Mawarni ,Lilis Nuriati Safrilla Simanjuntak ,Yoga Tantular Rachman
Development of Stakeholder Management Implementation Models in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities
Solihin ,Shalsa Nabila ,Restu Illa Rahmawati ,Raden hilmi hibatulloh munadi ,Tiara Kelana ,Adhitia Lutfiana Haq
“The Effect of Company Size, Profitability, And Solvency on Audit Report Lag on Lq-45 Companies Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2018-2020”
Eva Elani ,Cindi Riza Agustin ,Eneng Dyna Sulastri ,Miftah Akbar S ,Rachmat Hidayat
The Effect of Work Motivation, Work Stress and Work Satisfaction on The Performance of Employees Working from Home (Wfh) During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Xyz University Jakarta
Amalia Nuur ,Marceline Desita Wawodjo ,Rindu Dwi Yulianti ,Fitri Yani Suhartini ,Misbach Nurul Fauzi ,Yelli Eka Sumadhinata
The Effect of Capital Structure on Firm Value (Case Study on Mining Sector Companies Listed On the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Period 2014-2018)
R Susanto Hendiarto ,Delly Annisa Nurbuwat ,Anne Natalia ,Risma Rahmawati ,Indah Munawaroh ,Shafa Anindita
Influence of Motor Vehicle Tax to the Local Revenue of West Java Province in Bandung City
Faisal Aulia Akbar Ahmad ,Hafied Noor Bagja ,Andre Febriansyah ,Raden Dia Akhbari Andica ,Mochamad Rifqi Mulyana ,Ilham Farid Muttaqin
Financial Market Data Versus Accounting Data: Persistent Patterns in Explaining Stock Returns in the Indonesian Capital Market During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Apriwandi ,Imelda Dena Meisa ,Nadya ,Nabila Andriani ,Elizabeth Yosephini Priscilia ,Laksmi Luvita Dewi
The Influence of Firm Size, Leverage, and Liquidity on Company Performance through Dividend Policy in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015 - 2019 Period
Neneng Susanti ,Muhamad Andhika Dwi Nugraha ,Najlaa Nadhiyaa Yaasmiin ,Naila Maghfiroh ,Devita Zantika Ramadanti ,Yudhi Pratama Nasution
Design of Management Information Systems in A Hospital in The Physiotherapy Section Based on Software Applications
Sukenda, S.T., M.T ,A. Irmayanti ,Warsono ,Fajar S.J ,Fauziah F ,Indah W
Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence System for Detecting Respiratory Diseases Using Web-Based Telemedicine Methods
Ardiva Herdiyadi ,Raden Mas Xyla Ramadhan ,Hafidz Arsyad Mahmuddin ,Ivan Yapputra, Juang Jaguar ,Riswan Efendi ,Ari Purno Wahyu W
Development Of Millennials Human Resources in Bandung Through Creative Digital Copyrights in An Effort to Deal with The Challenges of Society 5.0
Nina Nurani ,Sasi Kirana ,Karwasih
Analysis Calculation Of Allowance For Impairment Losses Of Credit Before And After The Implementation Of Psak 50 & 55 On Profit At Bank X
Achmad Fadjar ,Gian Hassan Yudisthira ,Dendi Ramadhani
Changes in the Online Transportation Company Partnership System in Indonesia's Economic Development Post-Covid-19 Pandemic
H. Radea Respati Paramudhita ,Prof. Dr. H. Obsatar Sinaga, M.Si.
The Influence of Credit Interest Rates, Customer Relationship Management, EBanking Service Quality, and Company Image on Customer Loyalty (Case Study at Bank BCA KCP Pahlawan Bandung)
Melly Fitriyani Ms ,Risa Waryanti Putri ,Andri Setiawan ,Rista Ulfa Gusni ,Amilton Yegar Sahaduta Sirait
Analysis of the Potential for Acid Mine Drainage of the Nickel Mining Area in the Ultramafic Formation
Hasbullah Syaf ,La Ode Ahmad Nur Ramadhan ,La Baco Sudia ,Asramid Yasin ,Budi Widiawan
Uncontrolled Social Behaviour Impacts of Self-Management Scheme on Oil Palm Plantation Sustainability in Riau Province
Mohamad Zainuri ,Zulkarnain ,Yusni Ikhwan Siregar ,Almasdi Syahza
Exploring the Human Resource Practices in Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Organization Commitment and Citizenship Behavior
Putu Darma Wijaya ,Jonathan Jacob Paul Latupeirissa ,A.A. Ngurah Eddy Supriyadinatha Gorda ,Ida Ayu Oka Martini
The Development of Superior Side Dishes Survival Management in the Household Movement during Pandemic Crisis
Dumasari Dumasari ,Imam Santosa
Chomsky's Political Views as a Case Study in a Critical Discourse Analysis of Ideology in the Iraqi Wars
Asst. Prof. Dr. Bushra Ni’ma Rashid
Butterfly Effect in Development of Contract Law in Indonesia
Sigit Irianto
Social Interaction in Housing for the Community with Low-Income
Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim ,Muhammad Fedryansyah ,Sri Sulastri ,Wandi Adiansah
Effects of Facebook Use on the Average of Students Who have not Completed the Class at Public University in Hanoi Capital, Vietnam
Phuong Huu Tung ,Nguyen Nghi Thanh ,Tran Dinh Thao ,Nguyen Hoai Thu ,Nguyen Anh Nguyet ,Dinh Thanh Tu
Manohra Ballet: Negotiating Identity, Concepts and Choreography for Adaptation of Thai Ballet in the Context of Dancing Modernity in Thai Culture and Society
Natsuda Nareewijit ,Peera Phanlukthao
The Model of Engineering Inventories Design with Pieces Abd Telos System
Zulki Zulkifli Noor
The Model of Employee Engagement in Indonesia Empirical Study on the Indonesian Millennial Generation
Nuraeni ,Rifzaldi Nasri ,Nandan Limakrisna ,Irwan Prayitno ,Darto
The Influence of Load Factor, Headway, and Travel Time on Total Fleet Requirements and Its Implications for Public Transportation Maintenance Management on Transjakarta
Yosi Pahala ,Suharto Abdul Majid ,Viktor Basa ,Aswanti Setyawati ,Sonya Sidjabat ,Mochamad Arif Hernawan ,Lis Lesmini ,Lira Agusinta
Three-Dimensional Flow of Nanofluid over a Non-Linearly Permeable Shrinking Sheet
Siti Hidayah Muhad Saleh ,Norihan Md Arifin ,Roslinda Nazar ,Ioan Pop ,Nor Zila Abd Hamid
Comparative Study of Some Environmental Elements (Plants, Water, Soil) Parameters in Regions of North Baghdad
Tolen khalid ibrahim ,Yasin Mohammed Ahmed
The Impact of The Application of Financial and Monetary Policies on The Most Important Economic Variables
Harith Adnan Mohammed ,Muthna Shakor Mahmood ,Yasir Jihad Saeed
Motivation to Learn English as a Foreign Language among Iraqi Students
Sahar Naeem Sabhan ALKaab
The Iraqi Economy: Reality, Challenges and Proposed Solutions for the Period 2003-2020
Nassif Jassim Ali Alebadi ,Sami Hashim Falih AlSaadi
The Legal System of the Medical Contract in Plastic Surgeries
Basira Abdullah Ahmad Mahmood ,Esraa Abdulhadi Mohammed ,Ali Shaker Mahmood Mohamed
Using English Language Learning Mobile Applications among Iraqi EFL University Learners
Haider A. Hamza ,Fatima J. Saadalla
Space Polyphony in the Poetry of Tramps
Mohammed Abdulhasan Hussein ,Raada Mehdi Jaber Alamiri
The Effectiveness of (TEACCH) Program in Visual-Motor Imitation of Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Zahraa Azhar Mohammed ,Ertiqaa Yahya Hafieh
Level of Disclosure of Human Resources Accounting in the Financial Statements an Exploratory Study of Several Companies Operating in the Iraqi Environment
Amal Noori Mohammed
The effect of strategic planning in spreading the culture of quality in industrial organizations
Kudhr, Tamam Salamn; Muhammed, Widad Musa
The use of Constraints Theory in Managing, Reducing Costs and Improving Profitability (Study in Baghdad Soft Drinks Company)
Zainab Hadi Mahdi ,Abbas Hadi Abboud ,Baraa Bazawiy Hussain
Evaluating the Effect of Improvement of Democracy Index on Economic Growth: A study of a selected sample of developing countries
Najah Hawar Saeed Bazzaz ,Salam Anwar Ahmed ,Yasir Jihad Saeed
The energy and oil market in light of the (Covid 19) pandemic for the period 12/2019 - 8/2020
Esam Hadi Muhammad Al Salhi
Asylum Between Yesterday and Today, A Comparison Between Islamic Law and International Law
Abdelaaziz Laabidi ,Rachida Nacir
Iraq And the Assumption of Alternative Strategic Partnerships: (The European Union and China as A Model)
Asaad Ali Hameed ,Mohammed Mundher Jalal
The Effect of Fertilizer Uses on Environmental Pollution: A Review
Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai
The Essence of Guarding the Dangerous Object
Dhameer Hussien Nassir ,Ali Sami Hassan
The legal nature of Resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly from the perspective of the International Court of Justice
Ammar Essa Kareem ,Dawod Salman Abed ,Nayif Ahmed Dhahi
Cain Attacking Himself: Black Intra-racial postcolonial Segregation as Presented in Amiri Baraka's Duthman and Charles H. Fuller's A Soldier's Play
Enas Mohammed Saleh AL-Darraji
Integrating TPACK based HOTS-Textbooks: A case study to attest teaching style in primary school
Moh. Zainuddin ,M. Kharis ,Bagus Waluyo ,Umi Nahdiyah
The attitude of potential customers toward eKYC at Malaysian Banks during the Coronavirus pandemic: perspectives of clients
Zouaghi Adel ,Dr. Aznan Bin Hasan ,Anwar Hasan Abdullah Othman
Impact of distance education to reduce the effects of the (COVID 19) on the educational attainment level of students of King Faisal University
Khaled A. Z. Alyamani ,Mohammed A. Aleid
Relationship of Self-Efficacy and Obstacles of E-Learning Towards Online Method in Ir4.0
Ahmad Nur Aizat Ahmad ,Md Fauzi Ahmad ,Norhadilah Abdul Hamid ,Abdul Talib Bon ,Raja Zuraidah Rasi ,Gusman Nawanir ,Adnan Bakri ,Mustaqqim Abdul Rahim
Do Celebrity Endorsement and Reputable Companies TV Ads Effect on Middle-Class Consumer Purchase Decision of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods? A study in Bangladesh
Mohammad Toufiqur Rahman ,Hanim Bt Hj Misbah ,Syadiyah Binti Abdul Shukor ,Masrurul Mowla
The Impact of Using Compliments and Compliment Responses to Improve the Effective Communication for EFL Students in Foreign Language
Manal Omar Mousa
Creative Industry of the Making of Gandang Tambua Musical Instrument Based On Traditional Technology
Ediwar ,Rosta Minawati ,Jufri ,Irdawati ,Sahrul. N ,Yurnalis
Implementation of Health Protocols at Mosques during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the city of Bukittinggi
Tita Cardiah ,Andiyan Andiyan ,Amelinda Rahma
Mediating Role of Business Simulation Games on The Relationship Between University Role, Entrepreneurship Curriculum, Pedagogical Methodologies and Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions
Muhammad Salman Shabbir
Alternative Model for Food Security Development in Corn Farmers' Households Through the Role of Agricultural Extenders
Awaluddin ,Sugiyanto ,Keppy Suksesi ,Yayuk Yuliati
Management of Environmentally Friendly Electrical Energy in Realizing Sustainable Energy Development
Ahmad Hermawan ,Abdul Hakim ,Marjono ,Bambang Semedi
The Meaning of Climate Change in Asienara Tribe Community in Buruway District, Kaimana Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia
Yohanes Kamakaula ,Kliwon Hidayat ,Iwan Triyuwono ,Jati Batoro
The Crime of Using a Surrogate Mother in the Jordanian Penal Code and Islamic Sharia: A Comparative Study
AlAhmad, Mohammad Hussein Mohammad
The Role of Politics and Policy Strategy in Facing a Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in Indonesia
Bambang Santoso Haryono ,Qomariyatus Sholihah ,Firda Hidayati ,Budi Ahmadi ,Kumoro Asto Lenggono
Digital media development activities with agile software development and online classroom management system to promote students teamwork skills
Kampanat Kusirirat ,Nuchsharat Nuchprayoon ,Pradit Songsangyos
Solutions to Promote the Development of Science and Technology to Develop Productive Force in Viet Nam Today
Tran Mai Uoc ,Dinh Trung Thanh ,Dương Van Dan ,Hoàng Viet Dung ,Nguyen Anh Tuan ,Tran Thi Hoa
Performance Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Moderating Role of Culture
Oswald Timothy Edward ,Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama
The Effect of Material Requirements on Employee Job Satisfaction in Bogor Selatan District
Abubakar Iskandar ,R. Oetje Subagdja ,Angela Prescillia ,Hakanna ,Topan Zenal Abidin
Representations of Human Shape in the Works of Saadi Al-Kaabi
Raida Mohammed Ahmed ,Mohammed Jaloob Jabur Al-Kinani
Multiculturalism Philosophy of Iraqi Artist Drawings
Ruaa Sadeq Mhmood Al-Akam ,Talib Sultan Hamzah
Air quality in Kirkuk regarding PM10 concentrations
Yawooz Hameed Mahmood ,Mohamed A. Najemalden ,Rehab T. Ahmed
The implications of the design structure in the emblems of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine
Ruaa Nazim Hassan Bakhit
The quality of actuarial accounting information under adopting IFRS17 "Insurance Contracts"
Yahia Hussain Aormaih ,Safwan Qusay Abdul Halim
The Intricacy of Defining Investment Funds (A Comparative Study)
Dr. Jaafar Kadnim Jabur ,Dr. Majid Mijbas Hassan
Displacement: A Postcolonial Study in Paul Scott's The Raj Quartet
Muntaha Hatim Salih ,Amal Nasser Frak
Evaluating the performance of project management using network diagrams methods: A case study in the Ramadi Municipality
Mohamad Saad Rashed ,Walaa Ismael Alnassar
The Level of Teaching Performance of Islamic Education Teachers in The Intermediate Stage in The State of Iraq in The Light of Quality Assurance Standards from The Point of View of Teachers (The Assistant Teacher)
Mahmood Bdaiwi Freeh ,Muthenna Salih Hussein
Space Polyphony in the Poetry of Tramps
Mohammed Abdulhasan Hussein ,Raada Mehdi Jaber Alamiri
The Effect of Using the Powtoon Application on Student Learning Motivation
Muhammad BASRI ,Sumargono ,Fatan Furqoni FADLI
Demographic Profiling Lecturers’ Beliefs about Teaching and Practices
Samah Ali Mohsen Mofreh ,Sultan Salem ,Lim Hooi Lian ,Ahmad Zamri Khairani ,Ro’azeah Md Napeah
A Study on the Contribution of Competency Mapping on Hr Deliverables with Special Reference to Disaster Management Sector in Delhi-Ncr
Ms. Surbhi Saxena ,Dr. Harminder Kaur Gujral ,Dr. Sudhansu Pathak
The Dangerous Global Effect of HIV&AIDS on Society in the Perspective of Islamic Thinking and Medical Science
Muhammad Hasbi ,Sulaeman ,Kamiruddin ,Miftachul Huda ,Mezut Idriz
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors of a Limited Liability Company Against Investors in Perspective Fiduciary Duty Principle
Yeni Triana ,Iriansyah ,Bahrum Azmi
Development of Qr Code-Based Character Education Teaching Materials
Etin Solihatin ,Kinkin Yuliaty Subarsa Putri ,Jhoni Lagun Siang ,Jeane Marie Tulung ,Roby Ibnu Syarifain ,Esa Aryo Kuncoro ,Alrik Lapian ,Aldjon Nixon Dapa ,Olivia C. Wuwung ,Alwi
Modern Principles and Approaches of Adult's Social Work Arrangement
Chinasilova A ,Zhalalova Akshaim ,Beishenaliyev Almazbek ,Matay Sabira ,Kaliolla Ardak ,Bissenbayeva Zhanat
Formation of Oral Competence in French (Fle) Using Educational Platforms for Students in Kazakhstan: Pedagogical and Didactic Aspects
Seisekeyeva Nurgul ,Aigerim Kosherbayeva ,Fatima Chnane-Davin ,Askarova Gulnar ,Bokizhanova Galina
Psychological and Pedagogical Foundations for Improving Students' Subjective Well-Being
Adilzhanova Kuralay ,Yermentayeva Ardakh
The Formation of Interest in the Students to the Teaching Profession
Duisenbekov Erkebulan ,Turgunbayeva Botagul ,Kapanova Zhanar ,Kebeyeva Aigerim ,Otegenova Elenora
Psychological Content of Pedagogical Tolerance in the Development of Special Abilities of the Teacher
Botabayev Galymzhan ,Toxanbayeva Nurgul ,Botabayeva Ademi ,Baltabayev Nurlan ,Medetbekova Nurgul ,Botabayeva Rauan ,Molbassynova Zhumakul
Improving Essay Writing through ProjectBased Learning
Sudadi Sudadi ,Rahmadi Rahmadi ,Akhmad Ramli ,Jati Kasuma ,Laura Rosa Nivin-Vargas ,Luis Elmer Angulo-Cabanillas
Aguidelines for Managing the Impact of Tourism Case Study: Ban Nong Lom, Dokkhamtai District, Phayao Province, Thailand
Warach Madhyamapurush ,Pannanat Saksirikhun ,Numtip Smerchuar
Drone Routing Techniques for Surveying in Urban Areas
Dr R Jagadeesh Kannan ,Dr K.P. Yadav
American politics with Iraq according to the audience of Babylon and Anbar governorate as portrayed by satellite news stations (comparative field research)
Maher Mohammed Ali ,Adel abd AL-Razzaq mustaf
Perception Towards The Use Of Digital Technology And Factors Generating TechnoStress Among Teacher Educators
Thiyagu. K ,Joshith V P
Narratives of the Self: Motives, Self-Meaning, and Self Concept of Divorced Women in Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Ade Tuti Turistiati ,Yudi Sudiana ,Baby Poernomo ,Nita Triana
Inclusive School Management: Transforming Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sowiyah ,Ryzal PERDANA ,Cucu SUTARSYAH
From Practice to Theory: White Ocean Strategy of Creative Industry in East Java Indonesia
Sri Hartini ,Masmira Kurniawati ,Jovi Sulistiawan ,Muhammad Ihwanudin
An objective tool for classification of language deficits in adults
Saddam H.M. Issa ,Hazhar Ramadhan Ahmed ,Ebtissam Ezzy Alwan ,Ahmed Ali Mutahar ,Maryam Eissa Bajiri ,Abhishek B.P
Representation of Murals and Branded Outdoor Advertising: Critical Implications for Sustainable Geographical Public Spaces
Taufik Murtono ,Bambang Sukma Wijaya
Development of Smart Library System for Thailand's Primary School Teachers
Wirapong Chansanam ,Juthatip Chaikhambung ,Kanyarat Kwiecien ,Kulthida Tuamsuk
Extending Maternity Leave and Early Childhood Health in Zimbabwe
Kien Le
"Experientially Engaged Branding": Proposing and Testing a Mediating Model
Muhammad Ali Ahmad ,Abid Fareed ,Arbab Gul ,Sri Hartini ,Gancar Candra Premananto
Management of Islamic Education Based on Interreligious Dialogue in The Learning Process in Schools as An Effort to Moderate Religion in Indonesia
Candra Wijaya ,Edi Saputra ,Abdurrahman ,Firmansyah
Detecting the Vehicle's Number Plate in the Video Using Deep Learning Performance
B V Rajarao Pilli ,S Nagarajan ,P Devabalan
Influence of Knowledge Management and Collaboration on Regency/City Local Government Innovations in South Sulawesi Province
Sawir Rifatullah Akil ,Imas Soemaryani ,Hilmiana ,Joeliaty
The Perspectives on Political Culture in History through the lens of philosophy
Ong Van Nam
The Establishment of Khilafah and the Distortion of the Meaning of Jihad Islamic Teaching: Views of Pesantren Kyai
Afifuddin ,Wahdatun Nisa ,Noorthaibah ,Siti Julaiha ,Suraijiah ,Fathul Jannah ,Agus Setiawan
Ideas and View of Life Based on XVI Century Ancient Sundanese Manuscripts
Elis Suryani Nani Sumarlina ,Undang Ahmad Darsa ,Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana ,M. Adha Al Kodri
Developing Conceptual Operational Excellence Model To Achieve Citizen Satisfaction Services In Abu Dhabi Police
Abdulla Ebrahim Sayyar Almansoori ,Juhaini Jabar
Acculturation as Customary Implementation as A Source of Law: Study of Magical-Sacred Based Hodo Dance Rituals in Situbondo, East Java-Indonesia
Nawawi ,Rifa’i ,Abdul Haq AS ,Ubaidillah ,La Mahidin
Pollution Control: Minimization of Pollution load Caused by Beam house Operations in Leather Industry
Selma Abd Elrahman Hussein
Exploration Of The Implementation Of Islamic Guidance And Counseling Services At Darul Mursyid Modern Islamic Boarding School In South Tapanuli, Indonesia
Abdurrahman ,Suyono ,Muhammad Putra Dinata Saragi ,Raudhatu Zahra ,Yoserizal
Headmaster's Leadership Style in the Implementation of School-Based Management at Madrasa
Triwid Syafarotun Najah ,Zamroni ,Suranto
Verbalization of the Concept Family in the Content of School Textbooks on Russian Language and Literature
Aigul Onalbayeva ,Gulnur Baishukurova ,Akerke Irgebayeva ,Aizhan Nussupbekova ,Asel Kozhakhmetova ,Alibek Baibolov •
Evaluating the Climatic Change Effect on the water Quality of Euphrates River from Haditha to Al-Hindiya/ Iraq
Iman A. Al- Ali ,Mutaz A. Al- Dabbas
Big data classification using fuzzy logical concepts for paddy yield prediction
Jacinto Alex Roca Cedeño ,García - López, Y.J ,Leopoldo, Choque Flores ,Morales-Ortega, Roberto ,Harold Neira-Molina , Harold Combita-Niño
Competitiveness and sustainability of Latin America's travel and tourism industry
Carmen Luisa Vásquez ,Frank Ángel Lemoine Quintero ,Alma R. Bojórquez-Vargas ,Xochitl Tamez Martínez ,Yuri Sánchez-Solís
Analysis of Confidence of North Maluku Athletes at the National Student Sports Week (Pomnas) of DKI Jakarta and the Student League in 2019
Syahril Adam ,Tandiyo Rahayu ,Sugiharto ,Heny Setyawati
Modeling of Teaching Content in a Foreign Language at the University Based On Clil Approach
Tanat Ayapova ,Dana Shayakhmetova ,Zada Kemelbekova ,Bakytgul Bukabayeva ,Guldana Seidaliyeva
The Development of Professional Competence of Future Defectologists through Independent Work
Lazzat Tulepova ,Zhamiliya Namazbayeva ,Akbota Autaeva ,Gulnaz Kulnazarova ,Ainur Moldabayeva
Pedagogical requirements for preparing future primary school teachers to develop mathematical abilities among students
Karlygash Almenbetova ,Gulnar Zholtaeva ,Zhanar Kobdikova ,Klara Buzaubakova ,Raushan Ordabaeva
Analysis of V.I Lenin and Ho Chi Minh Views on the Youth Education Process
PhD. Pham Thi Huyen Trang ,MBA. Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy ,PhD. Nguyen Thi Hoa ,Master. Do Thu Huong ,PhD. Duong Thi Ngu
Ethnomatematics: Analysis of Geometric Shapes in Fishing Nets and Their Implementation in the Secondary Education Curriculum
Iyay Robia Khaerudin ,Herri Sulaiman ,Otto Fajarianto ,Teddi Paul Sihombing
Formation of the Personality of Future Teachers for the Implementation of Professional Activities in Modern Conditions
Symbat Chunkenova ,Kalibek Ybyraimzhanov ,Mirshat Yelubayeva ,Asset Turkmenbayev ,Altyn Bakradenova
Psychological Stress and Coping Strategies among Private University Students in Amman Governorate during the Corona Pandemic
Rania Hekmat Friehat
Quality of Transition to E-Learning under Corona pandemic: An Application Study in College of Administration and Economics, Baghdad University
Ameera Sh. Weli Albayatey ,Hanadi Seqar Makttoof ,Suha Jamal Mawlood
Assessment of Information Security Risk Management System based on ISO/IEC27005 in the Independent High Electoral Commission: A Case Study
Firas Raheem Younis Alazzawi
Hunting and sports in the era of Oktay Khan (626-639 AH / 1228-1241 AD)
Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai
The Assets of Constitutional Jurisdiction
Mohammad Taha Hussein AL-Husseini
Impact of Organizational Determinants on Administrative Audits-An Analytical Study
Safaa Hasan Mousa ,Saadoon Muhsin Salman
The effect of financial sustainability on market value – A study in a sample of firms listed in Iraq’s securities market
Faez Hlail Srayyih ,Ubeda Mohammad Tallaa Al-Rawi
Comparing environmental awareness under the Corona pandemic between students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences at the University of Kufa
Aelad Mohammed Abd Zaid ,Dr. Iqbal Abdul Hussein Neamah
Strategic Planning and Its Importance in Crisis Management in The Directorate of Education in The District of Petra
Asaad Ali Al-Hasanat ,O'la Basheer Al-Hasanat ,Mona Ali Al-Falahat
Cultural Impact on the Position Of Woman: A Critical And Analytical Study
Farah Baqer Ahmed ,Muslim Mohd. Lehmood Al-Mamouri
Code-Switching between Doctors and English Teachers: A Sociolinguistic Study
Amir Ibrahim Khudair ,Maysaa Ridha Jawad Al Tameemi ,Sarab Kadir Mugair
Legal System for Part-Time Work in Projects Subject to Privatization (Flexibility of Working Time)
Saba Noaman Rasheed
Hermeneutics of Space: The Poem "Empty Bags" By the Poet (Shaker Majid Sefo) As A Model
Raada Mehdi Jaber Alamiri
The Legal System of Social Insurance in the Countries of The Cooperation Council (Sultanate of Oman as A Model)
Saba Noaman Rasheed
The deliberative between origin and concept
Amer Hashim Mohammed ,Mohammed Jawad Kadhim
The economic importance of the construction of the great port of FAW and the link to the Silk Road
Amjed Radha Hasan Al-Zahidee ,Hamdiya Shaker Muslim Al-Edam
Rhetorical Figures in Strategic Maneuvering in Religious Argumentative Discourse
Khawla Shukur Mahmood ,Sundus Muhsin Ali
Amrah Bint Abdul Rahman and Some of Her Selected Narratives
Furat AbdulRutha Jawad Mualla
The legal Nature of Petroleum Contracts from the National Point of View
Hassan Dakel Abd Radhi
Petrography and Microfacies of Ghar and Euphrates Formations in the Busaiya area in Southern Iraq
Khalid M. Ahmed ,Faris N. Hassan ,Sawsan H. Faisal
Environmental Distribution of the Population Beneficiaries of Social Care in Al-Najaf Governorate
Rahim Muhammad, Al-Abdali, Zaman Dakhil Tabah, Sawsan H. Faisal
Linguistic school's principles and concepts
Mohammed Jawad Kadhim ,Amer Hashim Mohammed
Environmental effects of the old Tigris River course between Kut and Nasiriyah
Sahar Abdul Redha Ali ,Prof. Dr. Abdullah S. Abood ,Prof. Dr Raheem H. Alabdan
Silencing the Voice of the Subaltern in Bronte's Jane Eyre
Marwan Harb Alqaryouti ,Nurshafawati Binti Ahmad Sani ,Hanita Hanim Ismail
Determinants of the Shadow Economy in Russian society
Olga Mikhaylovna Lizina ,Dinara Asymovna Bistyaykina ,Eka Revazievna Ermakova ,Tatiana Evgenevna Badokina ,Elena Gennadievna Pankova
Life memory of Zeng's Zong Ci, Gaosha Town: Folk Custom, Ceremony and Inheritance of Qingming Festival in Modern Society
Lei Han ,Peera Phanlukthao ,Mateta Sirisuk
The Eastern Qing Tomb in China: The Decorative Art and Meanings in The Context of New Era
Jiye Zhou ,Mateta Sirisuk
Effect of Profitability and Liquidity on Share Prices (Survey on Industrial Companies of Consumer Goods Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2016-2018)
Pipin Sukandi ,Via Registiany
Identification of Water Resources in the East Sumba Region for Land Irrigation Requirement
Raden Herdian Bayu Ash Siddiq ,Fuad Hasan ,Bambang Eko Widyanto
Internet Access for Children's Online Schooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Parental Mental Health
My Nguyen
A Pragmatic Study of Apology Strategies in Online English Letters
Bushra Nima Rashid
Syntactic And Morphological Errors Committed By Jordanian Undergraduate Students In English Writing
Jamal Azmi ,Marwan Harb Alqaryouti
Perceptions of Translation Graduate Students towards the Usefulness of Machine Translation in the Official and Academic Fields
Laith Salman Hassan Hadla
Of Media Literacy and the Changing Receiver in the Digital Revolution
Aganbi ,Victor Emokiniovo
The Use of Deep Swearwords in Mongondow Language (As a Contribution of Regional Language, Bolaang Mongondow, in Education)
Donal Matheos Ratu ,Veronika Listi Ferdini Damopolii
Factors that Influence Independence Learning in Students
Catur Setiya Sulistiyana ,Nurul amalia lestari ,Uswatun Khasanah
Bhagawan Dhomya's Approach to Learning in Adiparwa Text at Pasraman Wanagiri
Ni Putu Winanti ,Ni Gusti Ayu Agung Nerawati
The Degree to which the Directorate of Education's School Teachers in Karak Governorate have the Skills to Develop the Concepts of Entrepreneurship and Innovation from their Point of View
Majid Mahmoud ALSou’b ,Rafah Awad Abd AL-Salam Tarawneh
Setting Targets For The Preservation Of The Historical And Cultural Heritage Of Kazakhstan
Nazgul Kadrimbetova ,Aisulu Kupayeva ,Aliya Mutali
Role Conflict’ Weaken The Influence Of ‘Management Accounting Information Systems’ On ‘Managerial Performance’
Veronica Christina ,Sunardi Sembiring Brahmana
Indonesia's Strategy in Facing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Dwi F. Moenardy ,Sintia Catur Sutantri
The Impact of Suramadu Bridge Construction and the Spillover Effect of Surabaya City's Economic Activities on the Madura Region
Endy Alim Abdi Nusa ,Agus Suman ,Moh. Khusaini ,Putu Mahardika Adi
Analysis of the Capacity of the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Policy Due to the Mount Sinabung Eruption Disaster in Indonesia
Harmensyah ,Bambang Supriyono ,MR. Khairul Muluk ,Firda Hidayati
Implementation of Silage and Biogas Product by Empowerment Village Society in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province
Nur Azlina ,Anwar Efendi Harahap ,Yusni Maulida ,Desmiyawati ,Almasdi Syahza ,Edi Erwan ,dan Nelzi Fati
Model Implementation of Community-Based Waste Bank Management Policy in Bekasi City Through Mentality, Systems, And Networking Approach
Iwan Satibi ,Sugiono ,Didi Turmudzi
Ecofeminism: Role of Women in Environmental Conservation and the Household Economy During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Evi Feronika Elbaar ,Eka Nor Taufik ,Dayu ,Onuma Suphattanakul
The Role of Project-Based Learning in Helping University Students Gain Some Academic Skills and Developing Students’ and Faculty Member’s Attitudes Towards It
Ali Alwardany Ali Omar, Ali Amani Mohammed Alqurni, Montasser M. A. Mahmoud, Walaa Saleh Megahed Saleh, Samah Ramzy Abdulghani, Rami Naim Atiyeh
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