Acculturation as Customary Implementation as A Source of Law: Study of Magical-Sacred Based Hodo Dance Rituals in Situbondo, East Java-Indonesia
cultural diversity, acculturation, Islamic,Abstract
This article describes the Hodo dance as a ritual that has sacred and magical values to ask for rain. This dance is a process of blending Islam and local culture (Hinduism) in the arts that influence each other but local culture is still strong. The approach of this research is qualitative with a sociological approach. When this dance is considered a contradiction with Islam, community leaders dialogue this dance with Islam which gives birth to cultural acculturation as the implementation of custom as the basis of Islamic law (al-'adah muhakkamah). The implication of this acculturation has led to a shift in the meaning of the media and symbolic meaning into Islamic meaning, even though it remains formally Hindu. Therefore, Islam Vis, a Vis tradition consists of two parts, a grand tradition, and a little tradition, which always holds a dialogue between the two. This is a dialectical-creative blend between the universal values of religion and local culture so that it can present a style of Islamic teachings in spiritual unity with cultural diversity (unity and diversity). This is the meaning of the axiom that ritual is a product of society, where a ritual will always reflect the configuration of a religion.