Bhagawan Dhomya's Approach to Learning in Adiparwa Text at Pasraman Wanagiri
Bhagawan Dhomya, Adiparwa text, Pasraman WanagiriAbstract
This study aims to determine: (1) the structure of the story of Bhagawan Dhomya in the Adiparwa text; (2) The form of Bhagawan Dhomya's learning approach in Adiparwa Text; (3) The learning approach at the Wanagiri Pasraman, Bale Hamlet and Klumpu Village, Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency from the perspective of Bhagawan Dhomya in the Adiparwa text. This type of qualitative descriptive research, data collected using observation, interviews and literature study. The technique of determining informants was purposive sampling with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, the results obtained were as follows: (1) The structure of the story of Bhagawan Dhomya in the Adiparwa text, consisting of a synopsis, theme, plot, character, and incident; (2) The learning approach in Bhagawan Dhomya's story, in terms of orientation, there are two approaches, namely student-oriented and teacher-oriented approaches. Several learning approaches are applied, namely the contextual approach, constructivism, process, project methods and the application of the KBK curriculum; (3) The learning approach at Pasraman Wanagiri, in the perspective of Bhagawan Dhomya's story, broadly speaking there are two approaches, namely student-centered learning approaches, and teacher-centered learning approaches. The types of learning approaches applied are contextual approach, constructivism, concept approach, process approach, science, technology and society (STM) approach, and project method approach.