Decision Support System for Profile Matching Methods in IOS-Based Mobile Applications


  • SY. Yuliani ,Lilis Maesaroh ,Restuningsih ,Ari Haryana ,Fahmi Sidik ,Fahmi Sidik


alternative values, predetermined criteria, mobile application, iOS-based


When someone is going to buy a used car, they will definitely be faced with the criteria for what kind of car the buyer wants to buy. Many things can be considered in choosing a used car, such as price, exterior, year of manufacture, kilometers travelled and others. This consideration becomes a crucial thing considering the price of the car is not cheap to avoid regrets in the future. Therefore, we need an easy and uncomplicated system to make it easier for buyers to buy cars. A decision support application for iOS-based car searches using the profile matching method compares alternative values and criteria to produce GAP or differences. The final result of this research is to implement a decision support system into a mobile application that can provide convenience and produce decision alternatives. With the application that is built, it is expected to be a solution for buyers so that they can be helped in choosing a car according to predetermined criteria.


