Design and Implementation of Admin's CRUD System on the Cermat Website


  • Azizah Zakiah, S.Kom., M.T. ,Reza Syahrial Putra ,Muhammad Ghifari Azmi ,Luthfi Hafiyyan Nabila ,Dede Iryawan


design, Cermat website ,CRUD


The Cermat website is an application to assess the quality of education starting from Elementary School to Junior High School, quality assessment is carried out by student taking a quiz in accordance with national standards at the grade level, the result of the quiz will be seen, whether the students have mastered a certain lesson. In the Cermat website, teachers can give assignments or quizzes to students in their shade. Teachers can access the website using an account that has been created by the developer as admin. The large number of teachers who must access the website, causes the creation and management of accounts by developers to be less efficient work in terms of time, because developers need to input large amounts of data in a short time and are prone to errors. In this study, a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system design was carried out using Excel as a solution to these problems. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application program that is used for managing data in the form of tables, diagrams, and others. Excel can create admin data tables quickly and efficiently, which will then be converted into a database that can be used for large amounts of admin input. This makes the developer's work time in managing admin data easier and more efficient.


