The Ecosystem in Communication Networks


  • Sinta Paramita ,Engkus Kuswarno ,Agus Rusmana ,Eko Harry Susanto


Communication Network, YouTube content, ecosystem


This study aims to determine whether there are relationships formed in the communication ecosystem and whether there are dominant actors in the communication ecosystem through YouTube content. The Ecosystem is a reciprocal relationship and is interrelated with one another in an environment. Social media as a means of interaction in a virtual world makes it easy for anyone to interact. Viewers who like it will often comment, click, like, share on the content. Automatic actions become digital data that can be traced so that they can shape the communication ecosystem. One of them is the content that is the object of this research is the Lupis Mbah Satinem edition of the hawker series made by Netflix. The theory used in this research is Network Theory, which prioritizes actors and relationships in a network. The approach used is quantitative. This study uses the Communication Network Analysis (CNA) method with the Netlytic application as a tool for data collection techniques. The population and sample used in this study were 2,893 comments. The result of this research is that there is no relationship between nodes as indicated by the value of Reciprocity 0; it can be said that the Ecosystem is not formed in the YouTube content. However, there are five dominant actors in the material. The message conveyed through comments attracts the attention of other actors to form 5 clusters in CNA. The relation model that is obtained in the research is one mode and undirected relationship types


