Policy Analysis and Sustainable Environmental Development: Green Leadership in Natural Resource Management
natural resource, environmental, South KalimantanAbstract
Environmental friendly development is defined as long-term development that maximizes the benefits of natural and human resources. Development activities, in general, have the potential to impact the environment significantly. This research aims to examine policies governing natural resource management and environmental sustainability in South Kalimantan. This study employed a single-site data analysis strategy with a qualitative phenomenological approach. Texts, documents resulting from an analysis of the existing conditions of sustainable natural resource and environmental management in South Kalimantan, environmental policy documents and budgets in the form of regional regulations; governor regulations, regent regulations, and mayor regulations, data from field observations and field notes from interviews are among the research objects. The snowball approach was utilized to determine informants in this investigation. Data analysis is accomplished by organizing the data, breaking it down into pieces, synthesizing it, arranging it into a pattern, determining what is significant and what will be examined, and determining what is important and what will be studied for yourself and others. In this study, the researcher employs the BAPPENAS MAPP policy analysis model, namely the Legislation Analysis Model (MAPP), developed and employed by BAPPENAS in 2011 to execute regulatory reforms. The research findings show that the policy for managing natural resources and the sustainable environment in South Kalimantan shows that all regulations have been maintained and that two have been revised. No regulations have been revoked based on the results of a content analysis of 15 master policies issued by the province of South Kalimantan. Finally, the policy becomes the primary commitment of the leadership role in preserving a better environment, especially Having an educated response to policies that are formulated and/or implemented in natural resource management and environmental sustainability. Capable of analyzing the proper regulations for the community to adopt by paying attention to the legal basis, needs, and friendliness of the regulations that are developed and implemented in their area. And or applied in the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment. Capable of analyzing the proper regulations for the community to adopt by paying attention to the legal basis, needs, and friendliness of the developed and implemented regulations in their area. And or applied in the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment. Capable of analyzing the proper regulations for the community to implement by paying attention to the legal foundation, needs, and friendliness of the regulations developed and implemented in their area.