Health Communication Pattern of Thibbun Nabawi Prophetic Medicine Adjust to Indonesian Culture
health communication, hibun Nabawi Center, medicineAbstract
Alternative medicine has climbed the ladder of popularity in the practice of treating diseases caused by both medical and non-medical factors. The opportunity for people to access and enjoy alternative medicine services are increasingly wide open with the emergence of commercial advertisements about alternative medicine in print, electronic, and social media. The development of alternative medicine, along with all the pros and cons dynamics in-service practice, has attracted the interest of the author's team to explain the results of field research conducted in mid-2019. The research object was alternative medicine based on the religion known as thibbun nabawi at the Thibun Nabawi Center (TNC), Pesantren Baabussalam, Ciburial, Bandung, West Java. This article health communication pattern of alternative medicine practices in Indonesia. The analysis of this research used a qualitative method with a case study approach. Through this paper, the author hopes to provide an illustration of thibbun nabawi traditional medicine. Furthermore, what makes it grow and develop in society and how alternative medicine practices applied health communication patterns. Whether due to a different approach, thibbun nabawi becomes an alternative or even a complement to medical treatments in Indonesia. The points above discussed step by step in this paper. The conclusions, shows that growth and development of thibbun nabawi are inseparable from the efforts of senior therapist and her therapeutic team, who have successfully implemented various communication approaches such as emphaty to religion and moral values, from the concept of health communication to the practice of Islamic communication.