Study of the level of professional selfdetermination of students in grade 9
self determination, sociological, ExperimentalAbstract
The purpose of this study is to disclose the content of the concepts of "self-determination","professional self-determination" and to describe the results of the study to determine the level of professional selfdetermination of students in grades 9. Methodology / methods: analysis of basic research concepts based on the study of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, sociological, literature, government documents and analytical materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, generalization and interpretation of scientific data, experiment. Main results: in the process of studying the level of professional self-determination among students in grades 9 of urban and rural schools, differences in the choice of professions are noticeable: in an urban-type school, preference among students is given to the type of person as "Entrepreneurial" and the least "Artistic". And in two rural schools, students chose the type of personality "Social", the least "intellectual, entrepreneurial," that is, the opposite of the choice of children in a city school. Findings. This study allowed us to obtain the following conclusions. The essence of the concepts of "self-determination", "professional selfdetermination" was substantiated based on the analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, the content of the concept of "professional self-determination" was clarified. Experimental work was carried out to determine the level of professional self-determination among students in grades 9 of urban and rural schools. Justification of the novelty of the work. The authors tried to determine the content of the concepts of "self-determination", "professional self-determination" and for the first time to identify the level of professional self-determination among students in grades 9 (urban and rural schools).