Surveillance Studies (Tracer Study) On Alumni S1 Study Program Management Faculty of Economic and Business Widyatama University
tracer study, S1 management, alumniAbstract
Searches The research activities of alumni (tracer) are berujuan to know about picture. regarding the competencies possessed by alumni after graduation and the contribution of higher institutions to the competencies possessed by alumni at this time. This research includes descriptive research. According to Nazir in Andi Prastowo (2011: 186), descriptive method is a method used to examine the status of a group of people, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought, or a class of events in the present. The stages in this study were carried out by: 1) Developing concepts and instruments; 2) data collection; 3) Data analysis and reporting. The type of data collected in this study is primary data obtained directly from alumni and alumni users through structured questionnaires. The distribution of the questionnaires was carried out online through social media such as IG, Facebook, Whatsapp groups, Google docs and telephone directly to alumni. In this study, it is known that the average start looking for a job after graduation is 3.5 months, and the waiting time for graduates of the undergraduate management study program is 4.8 months. The average salary of S1 management graduates who graduate in 2020 is Rp. 5,556,994. Based on the results of the alumni assessment of the competencies possessed by the graduates, the adaptability competence has the highest value, and the lowest is the ability to speak English. Meanwhile, based on the results of the alumni assessment regarding the contribution of universities to the competencies possessed by graduates, loyalty has the highest value, and the lowest is the ability to speak English.