Mediating Role of Business Simulation Games on The Relationship Between University Role, Entrepreneurship Curriculum, Pedagogical Methodologies and Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions
entrepreneurship education, policy makers, adoption, hypothesized modelAbstract
This paper aims at providing insights into the present landscape of entrepreneurship education and the role of business simulation games in developing entrepreneurial inclinations among young generation. The basic purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of business simulation games on the relationship between entrepreneurship curriculum, role of institution, and pedagogical methodologies in order to foster the inclinations of the student. The underpinning theories of constructivist learning, planned behavior, and experiential learning are discussed in relation with the objectives of this study. The paper proposed a hypothesized model and represents the mediating impact of business simulation games on the relationship between entrepreneurship curriculum, role of institution, and pedagogical methodologies in developing entrepreneurial inclinations of youth. The findings of this study highlight the role assumed by the universities through adoption of E-learning such as business simulations in order to nurture entrepreneurship among students. Moreover, recommendations have been proposed for policy makers and institutions to cope with the challenges that higher education is facing currently. The future agenda and research directions for the research on similar lines have also been proposed.