Development Of Millennials Human Resources in Bandung Through Creative Digital Copyrights in An Effort to Deal with The Challenges of Society 5.0
Millennial Generation, Human Resources Development, Digital Creativity, Society 5.0Abstract
The empowerment of millennial generations on human resources in Bandung for Digital Creativity has great potential in optimizing the creativity of copyrighted works; which is a determinant of overcoming challenges Society 5.0 in the industrial revolution 4.0. This research purposed to observe on how the millennial generation in Bandung regarding to human resources for digital creativity works enhance for especially overcome the global challenges Society 5.0. This paper implemented a cross sectional method. The specification of the research was descriptive quantitative analysis by optimizing purposive sampling and involving 26 respondents from the digital millennial creator community in Bandung. The results of the study indicated that the millennial generation of human resources in Bandung had high development of digital creativity in facing the era of Society 5.0. It was reflected through the five dimensions of development: professionalism, competitive power, functional competence, participatory excellence and collaboration from the millennial generation in Bandung, which was expected to be competent in interpreting the demands of digital creativity as an optimal competitive social transformation. The continuity of the development of the millennial generation in human resources was required for digital creativity; so, it could be proven by more creative digital works as the attainments of the millennial generation on human resources in Bandung dealing with the Society 5.0.