Using Rasch Model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Assess Instrument for Successful Person on Quality of ECCE


  • Arasinah Kamis ,Ridzwan Che Rus ,Mazlina Che Mustafa ,Abu Bakar Mamat ,Rafiezah Mohd Zulkifli ,Khairul Anuar Hasnan ,Sopia Md Yassin


Early Childhood, Care Education, Polarity, Confirmatory Factor Analysis


This study aimed to validate the instrument for Successful Person on Quality of Early Childhood and Care Education (ECCE). The validation of the constructs was carried out in two phases, firstly, using the Rasch Measurement Model (RMM) and secondly using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The RMM to determined validity, reliability, polarity and fitness of the items and CFA for measurement model by using Win steps software and AMOS. Results from the RMM analysis showed that the reliability and separation of the items and the persons are high. Polarity of the items show that there were 26 items that measured other constructs, and the items were dropped and retained 67 items. Meanwhile, from CFA the measurement model was fitted and accepted; Chi-square/df =2.04 (<5.00), RMSEA=.04 (<.08), AGFI=.83 (>.80), CFI=.94 (=.90), and PNFI=.84 (>.50). In the regard, the scale was successful for psychometric standard, valid, reliable and stable.


