Analysis of the Potential for Acid Mine Drainage of the Nickel Mining Area in the Ultramafic Formation
Acid mine drainage, Nickel mine, Kabaena TimurAbstract
The phenomenon of acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the serious environmental problems that is often encountered at a mine site. Controlling acid mine drainage is an important thing to do during mining activities and after mining activities end. This research aims to analyze the potential for rock and soil formation of acid mine drainage to the environment around the nickel mining area in Kabaena Timur District. Data obtained through the analysis of the laboratory of Limited Company of Narayana Lambale Selaras. The results showed that in open land the sulphure content range was 0.411-1.452 Kg H2SO4/ton. NAG values are in the equivalent range of 0-3.675 Kg H2SO4/ton. ANC ranges from 25.725-60.025 Kg H2SO4/ton. The range of MPA values is equivalent to 1.977-44.470 Kg H2SO4/ton. The NAPP values ranged from -40.526 to -3.839 and the NPR ranged from 1.116 to 3.776. Whereas in closed land the values for sulphure content, NAG, ANC, MPA, NAPP, and NPR were respectively = 0.418-1.364 Kg H2SO4/ton; 0-3.185 Kg H2SO4/ton; 25.725-57.575 Kg H2SO4/ton; 12.790-41.775 Kg H2SO4/ton; -36.846 to -1.276 and 1.037-3.927. Based on the criteria for NAPP and NPR values, shows that all rock and soil samples in the nickel mining area don’t have the potential to form acid mine drainage because the NAPP value is < 0 and the NPR value > 1.