Space Polyphony in the Poetry of Tramps
Literature is a deep sea of hollow, and no one went through it except and felt its splendor and greatness, and felt its sanctity and majesty, and between the crowding of ideas, and the exchange of words, this study came to unveil the polyphony of space in the poetry of the tramps as it is apparent because it deserves to stand on it by the multiplicity of voices in it due to the circumstances of the place, context and reference Which surrounded them and the effect of this trend of the text Tramp, so to speak. Polyphonia is a type of European music that appeared in the Romantic era as a movement of rebellion against classical music and polyphonic music that combines two or more melodies performed simultaneously by the human voice or instruments or both. This type of revolutionary music was considered a rebellion against Church music, so the authority of the Church was directed to the polyphony, similar to the criticism that Plato addressed in the laws to the music distributed on two lines, and the Catholic Church was concerned about polyphonic music due to the prevailing belief from a large number of Christian leaders, that music shakes faith and creates ambiguity in the verbal text and generates confusion instead of establishing a feeling of peace during the performance of rituals.