Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills Within Indonesian Language Learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Higher Order Thinking Skills, Indonesian learning,Abstract
This article aims to describe Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) implementation in the Indonesian learning and assessment process of Islamic Elementary School. The international study of Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) shows that Indonesian students' reading, mathematical, and scientific literacy achievement is very low. Therefore, it is urgent to change the system of learning and assessment process. Hopefully, the method developed by the teacher enables significant improvement in higher thinking ability, encourages creativity, and builds student's independence in solving problems. A qualitative approach is applied in this research. The subjects were headmaster, teacher and student of MIN 2 Jember. To collect the data researcher conducted interview, observation and literature study. The collected data was analyzed with the spiral model analysis procedure; data management, reading and memo writing, description, classification, interpretation, and presentation/visualization. The result shows (1) MIN 2 Jember teachers have implemented HOTS-based learning to the Indonesian learning process. This method of learning was done to acquire basic knowledge competency. The learning model was varied enough to encourage the student to think at a higher cognitive level. (2) In the assessment process, teachers applied HOTS-based questions. This was identified with the question concerning students' daily activities and directing them to explain their answers. Questions were constructed based on required indicators.