The Legal System of Social Insurance in the Countries of The Cooperation Council (Sultanate of Oman as A Model)


  • Saba Noaman Rasheed


Social insurance , societies, Sultanates Basic Law


Work is related to the existence of man and from the beginning of life, so it became an indispensable necessity for the existence of societies, starting from its simplified form, as the method is to meet the needs of his children, which constituted the loss of the ability to work a danger threatening the existence of man and his partners in life what he called from time immemorial to find alternative sources that are sufficient for him and his family when there was any emergency that prevented him from earning, which was developing with the development of the form of organizing societies in a direct way up to modern legal systems and often alerted to the realization of risks that were not taken into account, or the importance of calculating them appeared within the list of conditions for which they are required to be prepared, so new risks emerged, working with the development of the means of work and then calculating days Illness or the emergence of sick work emergencies, not to mention the calculation of the worker's earning capacity and its correlation with mental and intellectual capacity based on age, which requires calculating the weakness of the ability or even its loss in an advanced stage of life such as old age, or disability due to work, illness or age, to the account of those who leave after Responsible for him without a source of livelihood as a result of the death, thus the latest system emerged with legal development, legal systems supporting the work represented in social insurance and based on with the members of society who possess a specific legal status and who are exposed to the same risks and the distribution of the burden of common risks on it by requiring them to pay contributions in exchange for their assignment when one of them passes specific risks in the legal system by providing alternative sources of income with their medical and social care account and the account of their inheritors being responsible for them when they lose life as a result of these risks. Social insurance is a new system from the nineteenth century, but it is widespread and applied, which calls for studying it according to previous experiences by referring to it with its modern applications, including the social insurance system in the Sultanate of Oman and its development of its social goals and its joining the legal structure with the various laws and regulations issued to organize it to ensure the authority to regulate the rights of citizens and guarantee them with principles Decent living according to the principles of justice and equality, and an emphasis on that in Article (12) of the Sultanate's Basic Law.


