Formation of Future Teachers Professional Competence on the Bases of Modern Technologies


  • Imankulova Lyailya ,Rakhmetova Nurziya ,Tastanbek Dariya ,Zholdasbekova Saule ,Kalymova Assel ,Matay Bulbul


professional competence, pedagogical basis, teachers psychologists


Within the framework of education, professional competence, having a psychological and pedagogical basis for its formation, is considered not only as an integral part of it, assuming that the specialist has such qualities that allow him to most effectively carry out practical activities in changing socio-economic conditions, but also as a means of professional development of the individual. Based on the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature and the results of the study, this article examines such psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence in future teachers-psychologists, as modeling the process of forming professional competence in future teacherspsychologists and the use of interactive teaching methods in the educational process. In addition, various aspects of competence and professional competence are indicated. The structure of professional competence of a teacher - psychologist is presented. Forms and methods of formation of methodical and emotional competence of students as components of professional competence of the teacherpsychologist are offered.


