Standardizing place names with Tay-origin elements in Tuyen Quang province, Viet Nam
place names, Tay language, Vietnamese, first consonant, main syllables, final sounds, tone/rhythm, standardization, Tuyen Quang.Abstract
The way of writing place names originated in Tay language, in Tuyen Quang province is not uniform in two aspects: phonetics and vocabulary. For the above situtation, dealing with place names originated in ethnic minority languages has become urgent. Therefore, such principles of transcription as: ensuring the semantic correctness of the place names, following the spelling of the national language, ensuring the habit of language community must be done to standardize the those place names, and facilitate the communication. With the above principles, the selection of solutions to transcribe place names with original element in ethnic minority languages into Vietnamese should be applied to each specific case in accordance with the standards of Vietnamese spelling.