Optimization of Student Character Education through the Pesantren Program at the Islamic Boarding School of the Universitas Islam Indonesia
Education, Character, Students, Islamic Boarding SchoolAbstract
Several studies have found that character education for students through the pesantren program has been carried out optimally. This increase in student character education indicates that educational institutions in Islamic boarding schools have a great opportunity to become an antidote to juvenile delinquency today. Islamic boarding schools, through policies of religious development and their Ustadz, have a significant role in shaping the good character and religious understanding of their students to be more open and tolerant. This study aims to look at the optimal character education and religious understanding of students studying at Islamic boarding schools at the Islamic University of Indonesia. This research is qualitative-descriptive field research. The population of this study were students, Ustadz, and leaders of Islamic boarding schools at the Islamic University of Indonesia. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the Islamic University of Indonesia Islamic Boarding School has carried out optimization of character education for its students, both programmed and incidentally. Programmed education is through classroom learning and religious guidance in extracurricular activities, while incidental character education is carried out through spiritual education, worship education, and extracurricular education such as lectures and community service.