Government spending policies to reduce food security challenges in Iraq


  • Farhan Mohammed Hasan Department of Management, Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Kufa, iraq
  • Prof.Dr. Mayih Shabeeb AL-Shammar Department of Economics, Faculty of Administration and Economics, University of Kufa, Iraq


Food Security, Iraqi Economy, reconstruction, Economic development.


The issue of food security was not born at present but was part of the policies of most of the countries of the world, and has taken greater attention since the Second World War when those countries put this among the priorities of their policies the need to provide a sizeable strategic reservoir of foodstuffs. However, the problem of food security has manifested itself in the last two decades due to many factors, the most important of which is the steady population growth and the consequent increasing demand for foodstuffs or  The exploitation of additional areas of land for housing and reconstruction is often at the expense of agricultural land intended for the production of food, as well as the limited supply of agricultural land, as measured by population growth, the stability of agricultural production rates, and the lack of necessary water, due to demographic and environmental changes and the effects of political and international factors.


