Obedience Analysis of Mask Use In Prevention of Covid-19 in Traditional Market Traders in South Sulawesi Province (A Case Study in Daya Market, Makassar and Lakessi Market, Parepare)
Community compliance, health protocols, Windows programAbstract
The case of COVID-19 in Indonesia continues to increase every day. The increase in cases shows that community compliance with health protocols is not optimal. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of knowledge and attitudes on traders’ compliance in wearing masks for preventing COVID19 at Traditional Market in South Sulawesi Province with a focus on locations in Daya Market, Makassar City and Lakessi Market, Parepare City. This research’s type is observational analytic and used cross sectional design. The total sample was 193 respondents by using accidental sampling technique. Data analysis was performed by using the SPSS for Windows program. The data analysis model used are univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of the research in the South Sulawesi Traditional Market showed the results of statistical tests of knowledge variables (value = 0.460) and attitudes (value = 0.650). We can conclude that there is an influence between knowledge and attitudes towards compliance in wearing masks by traders in South Sulawesi Traditional Market.