Understanding Intention to Use Online Delivery Food in Go Food Application


  • R. Adjeng Mariana Febrianti ,Akbar Rahul Khan ,Rally Alderu ,Rafelia Novanka ,Aldy Therawan ,Adryan Firmanto


Culinary business, younger generation, online food delivery applications


Currently, the development of the culinary business, especially in the city of Bandung, shows significant growth. In addition, the trend of the younger generation is to access online food delivery applications. However, when the intensity gets higher, some applications experience a decline, especially in the system, resulting in decreased consumer confidence. This study aims to analyze the effect of system quality and trust on intention to use the go food application. 112 questionnaires were distributed, but 91 were returned. The sample in this study were students at Widyatama University Bandung using a purpose sampling technique. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results showed that the two independent variables, namely the quality of the system and trust had an effect of 64.1%, this indicates that the two independent variables had a high influence in explaining the intention to use online food delivery applications. This study also emphasizes that at this time to build trust is important for business continuity, especially delivery services. If the quality of the system used is not good, it is likely that consumer confidence will decrease so they move to similar applications.


