The Role of Service Quality, Social-Media, and Store Atmosphere on Perceived Customer Relationships Case study on Unkl. 347 Bandung City.
Fashion industry, service quality, social media, and store atmosphereAbstract
The rapid growth of the fashion industry in the city of Bandung is a challenge for fashion business players to re-develop their marketing strategies in order to retain consumers. This study aims to analyze the effect of service quality, social media and store atmosphere on customer relationships perceived by Unkl consumers. 347 in the city of Bandung. Respondents were asked to provide feedback regarding service quality, social media, and store atmosphere on perceived customer relationships. The sample in this study was 98 which were selected incidentally. Multiple linear regression analysis was used in this study. The results showed that the variables of service quality, social media, and store atmosphere had an effect on perceived customer relationships. Based on the test results, the coefficient of determination shows that the effect of the three independent variables on the dependent variable is 54.8%. While the remaining 45.2% or influenced by other variables that are not examined, such as advertising and price.