“Determinants Factors Affecting Enterprise Interest in Students” Of the Faculty of Economics and Business Widyatama University Bandung


  • Keni Kaniawati ,Hidayat Koswara ,Mochamad Rangga Mahendra Sukma Wardhana ,Muhammad Syafiq Ibrahim ,Nadhif Mondavi ,Saefulloh Yusuf


Entrepreneurship Education, Creativity Innovation, Income Expectations, Interest in Entrepreneurship.


The purpose of this study is to show that there is an impact of entrepreneurship education, income expectations, and creativity innovation on entrepreneurial interest in the Faculty of Business Economics. The research method that researchers use is descriptive and verification methods with data collection techniques through questionnaires. The respondents in this study were students of the Faculty of Business Economics at Widyatama University. The data analysis technique in this research is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the response of students of the Faculty of Business Economics to entrepreneurship education was considered responsive with an average value of 3.68, income expectations were considered quite good with an average of 3.57, creativity and innovation were considered good with an average value of 3.67, and entrepreneurial interests, students of the Faculty of Business Economics, Widyatama University are considered responsive with an average score of 3.68. Entrepreneurship education has an influence on the interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Faculty of Business Economics at Widyatama University by 20.1%. Income expectations have an influence on the interest in entrepreneurship in Widyatama University students by 33.1%. Innovation creativity has an influence on interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Faculty of Business Economics, Widyatama University by 24.4%. Entrepreneurship education, income expectations, and innovation creativity have an influence on entrepreneurial interest in students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Widyatama University by 45.9% and the researcher's hypothesis shows that the calculated F value with F table is rejected because: F count 27.250 > F table 3.10.


