Analysis and Evaluation of E-Government Maturity in West Java Regional Devices Based on SPBE (Case Study: Public Hospital in West Java)


  • Endang Amalia ,Sri Lestari


SPBE Evaluation Guideline, Central and Regional Government Agencies


The SPBE Evaluation Guideline is prepared to provide guideline for the implementation of the evaluation of the SPBE implementation in Central and Regional Government Agencies. This evaluation guideline regulates the planning, implementation and reporting of SPBE evaluation results. The scope of SPBE implementation in Central and Regional Government Agencies that will be evaluated covers at least SPBE governance, SPBE services, and SPBE policies. By referring to the SPBE, the authors analyze and evaluate the level of maturity at public Hospital, which is one of the Regional Apparatuses in West Java. Maturity results obtained below 4 which is an index that is still far from mature, and the results of this study recommend several things to increase the level of maturity in public Hospital in several domains.


