Training on Development and Service Business Policy for Village Owned Enterprise called Rahardja in Rancaekek Wetan Village, Rancaekek District, and Bandung Regency


  • Muhammad Ali ,Nuryaman ,R. Ferry Mulyawan M ,Veronica Christina ,Rita Yuniarti ,Tetty Lasniroha Sarumpaet ,Shinta Dewi Herawati


Services Business Development, Services Business Policy, village-owned enterprise


This Community Service aims to provide training in the development and policy of services business for village-owned enterprise called Rahardja in Rancaekek Wetan Village, Rancaekek District, Bandung Regency. Participants felt that they had direct knowledge to the subject matter so that they felt helped in understanding the process of developing of services business. The knowledge, understanding and skills of participants regarding the formulation of service business development strategies and policies have increased, this can be seen from the ability of participants to complete the formulation of services business strategies and policies provided by the presenters.


