Online Learning Information System for High School Students


  • Hari Supriyadi ,M.Rozahi Istambul ,Parlindungan ,Dani Hamdani ,Endang Amalia ,M.Benny Chaniago


Application Design, Data Center (Database).


This research aims to create to create a learning information system in the form of an online-based learning application for high school students (SMA) as an alternative media in helping the learning process carried out by teachers and students. Designing online-based learning applications, the framework used as a method for learning applications as an alternative media for teachers in carrying out the teaching and learning process is the prototyping model, the stages for the prototyping model can be described as follows: the analysis process while listening to what customers ask, designing and, evaluation of the design of feedback or feedback from customers. The findings of this research can provide convenience for the teaching and learning process, especially for teachers and students, teachers can present learning forms or models easily with adjustable learning and teaching time management, students can receive various models and varied forms of learning from teachers that allow the learning process to be carried out. teaching and learning will be more conducive and not boring.. Business processes carried out at Kartika Chandra High School (SMA) Bandung. Further observations at Kartika Chandra High School are needed as the first step in conducting analysis to obtain information related to the teacher, student database and learning process activities. in short, online-based learning applications are needed for teachers and students at Kartika Chandra High School as an alternative media in the teaching and learning process that can provide convenience in presenting various forms of learning materials and make it easier for students to receive interactive learning materials and make the teaching and learning process easier. become more conducive. This research is expected to provide various patterns that are considered different as alternative media for the online teaching and learning process, which aims to provide various facilities for teachers and students in making classroom learning more conducive.


