Using Instagram in Determining Purchase Decisions for Msme Products Kampoeng Rajoet Binong Jati


  • Agatha Rinta Suhardi ,Vina Silviani Marinda ,Titto Rohendra ,Arus Reka Prasetia ,Andi Budiawan


Social Media Marketing, Instagram, MSME.


The era of digitalization requires MSME activists in Indonesia to compete to achieve increased marketing through the use of technology. Initially, MSME activists only relied on word-of-mouth marketing and distributing brochures, now MSME activists can do marketing throughout Indonesia and even the world through digitalization which continues to grow through social media. The most frequently used social media for marketing is Instagram. This study aims to describe the use of Instagram from MSMEs Kampoeng Rajoet Binong Jati and determine the relationship between the use of Instagram on product purchase decisions from MSMEs Kampoeng Rajoet Binong Jati. The population in this study is the MSMEs of Kampoeng Rajoet Binong Jati who are in the area of Binong Village. Sampling using purposive sampling technique and obtained 31 MSMEs as a sample. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and simple regression analysis. The results showed that MSME actors had used Instagram in marketing their products and the use of Instagram had a positive relationship to product purchase decisions from MSME Kampoeng Rajoet Binong Jati.


