Entrepreneurial Mind in Fierce Competition for Startup Businesses


  • Artarina D. A. Samoedra ,Adjeng Mariana Febrianti ,Keni Kaniawati ,Meriza Hendri ,Ryan Kurniawan


Startup business, competition, entrepreneurial mind


Building a business is not easy; many pioneering efforts that road in place even fails and give up so alone. The number of competitors in the type of business that is similar to that pioneered require a differentiator so that the right to walk with a smooth and survive. However, there are characteristics specific that all prospective employers must develop to increase the chances of their own to succeed dramatically. Pattern think entrepreneurial, if willing, can mark the difference to be a profitable business. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection through observations and literature studies on business startups, primarily digital. The results obtained are the dominant its duties as a principal entrepreneur are determining entrepreneurs like anything that he wants based on attitude, behaviour, competency management, experience, and so forth as well as patterns of thought entrepreneurship could get benefit large, the company established the current is the same as the company trim.


