Analysis with the Pieces Framework in the Xyz Village Service Information System


  • Ucu Nugraha ,Iwan Rijayana ,Murnawan ,R.A.E Virgana Targa Sapanji ,Rosalin Samihardjo ,Sri Lestari


information system, village service, PIECES


The village is the level of government below sub-district in an area, information system population data service at the village level majority still using the manual system. System like this which often results in data not valid, and sometimes there is data that does not match with the fact, the impact often goes wrong in the process of searching for population data information, both old population data and population data transfer. The same is true for letter data correspondence, such as death certificates, letters of birth certificate, transfer certificate domicile, and so on. Mail archive sometimes not obviously due to unorganized archiving properly or not stored in a databases. Problem analysis is done by using the PIECES framework approach. PIECES itself is an abbreviation of Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency, Service. These PIECES have six parts, of each of the six parts a check list is made, each check list in the as the name implies will cause problems.


