Persuasive Communication: Disaster Literacy in Tourism Areas


  • Evi Novianti ,Cipta Endayana ,Elnovani Lusiana ,Shandra Rama Panji Wulung4 ,Rahmatika Desiana


descriptive analysis, nature-based tourism areas, qualitative method approach


Nature-based tourism areas are prone to disasters. The main challenge in preventing the negative impact of tourism activities is inviting tourists to protect and preserve the natural environment through effective and efficient communication media. This study aims to identify persuasive communication media in Tebing Keraton and design physical and online media literacy. This research uses a qualitative method approach. The Primary data obtained through interviews and observations, meanwhile secondary data are collected through literature studies and policy documents related to persuasive communication, disaster, and tourism. Content and descriptive analysis are the analytical methods used in this study. The scope of this research area is Ciharegem Village in Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency. The results showed that persuasive communication media contributed to designing an effective communication strategy for nature-based tourism areas in disaster-prone zones. There are two persuasive communication media at Tebing Keraton, Ciharegem Village, first is physical media such as banners, information boards, and directions. The second is online media through websites and social media. Regular updates of online media content can encourage and educate tourists that visit the Tebing Keraton in Ciharegem Village.


