The Effectiveness of Circle Bar Method Towards Pupils' Performance in the Topic of Multiplication of Two Numbers


  • Y. Y. Yee ,R. L. Zuraida ,R. N. Farah ,N. Azid ,I. E. khuloqo ,A. Rosli


Quasi-experimental design, quantitative data, Bar Circle method


The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of Bar Circle method towards achievement of Year 3 pupils in the topic of multiplication. A pre-test and posttest non-equivalent group quasi-experimental design was used. A total of 50 primary pupils enrolled in one of the schools in Perak were chosen for this study. A total of 25 respondents from the treatment group used Bar Circle Method for intervention process whereas 25 respondents from the control group used conventional method in the teaching and learning process. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistic and inferential statistic. Based on the independent sample t-test, the mean score of treatment group differed from the mean score of control group significantly [t(48) = 9.535, p < 0.05]. In conclusion, pupils from the treatment group who went through the teaching and learning using Bar Circle Method showed better achievement in the multiplication of two numbers compared to pupils from the controlled group. The implication of this study showed that the teaching and learning in Malaysia should consider the use of other alternatives which emphasises place value concept in order to enhance the understanding and pupils' achievement in the topic of multiplication of two numbers.


