The Influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty Of “Little Hanna” Muslim Clothing


  • Uce Karna Suganda ,Deden Egiani ,Irna Sugiarti Widyatama University Bandung


Product Quality, Brand Image, And Customer Loyalty


Economic development will greatly affect to the progress of a country. One of them is in the textile industry, talking about textiles cannot be separated from the fashion sector. Fashion developments will also affect the consistency of a clothing brand. Having a good brand quality and image will not guarantee consumers' loyalty to the product. Some factors in this study aim to determine the effect of product quality and brand image on customer loyalty at Children’s Muslim Clothing “Littel Hanna”. This study uses descriptive and verification research methods. The sample of this study was consumers who bought 95 products of Children’s Muslim Clothing “Littel Hanna” with Nonprobability sampling technique. Data collection uses questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques were carried out using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that product quality and brand image had a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty on Littel Hanna” products. It is known that the calculated f value is 16,032. Based on the regression test, R square is 25.80%, which means that the Product Quality and Brand Image has an effect of 25.80% on Customer Loyalty, while the remaining 74.20% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study.


