The Right of Dual Citizenship to Vote and Run as Candidate for The House of Representatives in Jordanian Law


  • Dr. Omar Almakhzoumi, Prof. Dr. Abdulhakim Atroosh, Dr. Mustafa Al-Khasawneh Faculty of Law - Zarqa University.


Dual Citizenship, the Right to Vote, the Right to Run for Office, the House of Representatives.


This study aims to clarify the legal texts regulating the right of dual nationals to vote and run for parliament, by defining dual nationality, and clarifying the right of dual nationals to exercise their right to vote and run for membership in the House of Representatives according to Jordanian legislation and some comparative legislation. The study concludes that the right of dual nationals to exercise their political right to vote and to run for Parliament in Jordanian law results in many problems because of the absence of texts regulating its rule, and because some texts of these laws contradict with the Constitution. Therefore, the study calls on the Jordanian legislator to set up a clear mechanism regulating the right of dual nationals to vote and run for Parliament. In preparing this study, the descriptive approach and the analytical method were relied on, as well as the comparative method. This study is divided into three approaches: the first approach: the definition of dual nationality, the second approach: the right of dual nationality to elect members of the House of Representatives, the third approach: the right of dual nationality to run for membership in the House of Representatives.


