Mathematics Trainer Readiness for PAK-21 Integration in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
PAK-21, trainee teachers, mathematics teaching and learning, readiness, PAK-21.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of trainee teachers of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris for integrating 21st century learning (PAK-21) in teaching and learning mathematics in schools. The readiness of trainees was seen from the aspect of interest, knowledge and skills. The study was conducted on 40 teachers of Mathematics trainees who are currently undergoing teaching training. The survey method is used to obtain data. The instrument of study used is a questionnaire. Data from the study were collected and analyzed using Pearson correlation, r to identify the relationship between aspects of PAK21's interest, knowledge and integration skills. Overall, the results show that the level of readiness of trainee teachers is high in terms of interest, knowledge and skills in integrating PAK-21 in teaching and learning mathematics. In addition, the findings also show that there is a strong positive relationship between the aspects of interest and knowledge while the findings show a strong relationship between interest and skill aspects and knowledge and skill aspects. In conclusion, trainee teachers should be able to equip themselves with an education that is always ready to implement a new learning method or strategy in line with the current global trend of looking for a capable and resilient teacher for the rapid development of global education. The implications of this study are expected to benefit the prospective teachers of mathematics in preparing themselves to become a knowledgeable mathematics teacher on PAK-21 and know how to integrate it in their teaching. This study also provides a wealth of information on the aspects of teacher interest, knowledge and skills that are extremely useful in the implementation of 21st century learning especially in mathematics subjects in secondary school.