The Social Phenomenon in Koromong Gamelan Ritual in Cikubang: A Cultural Geography Case of Indonesia


  • Rony Hidayat Sutisna, Dadang Suganda, Reiza D. Dienaputra


Cultural geography, social phenomenon, koromong gamelan, Cikubang


The present study follows the cultural geography and aims to explore the social phenomenon related to the unique koromong gamelan ensemble ritual in Cikubang Hamlet, Sukahayu Village, Rancakalong Subdistrict, West Java Province, Indonesia. This study is conducted by considering the cultural geographical research approach. The unique social phenomenon associated with the koromong gamelan makes the ensemble different from other types of gamelan art. The uniqueness of koromong gamelan is related to the following: first, its function in Cikubang Hamlet community; second, the traditional belief in the transcendental, which makes the hamlet an attractive tourism destination in Sumedang Regency; and three, the process of handing down koromong gamelan art, which involves the Cikubang community, artists, culture enthusiasts, and Sumedang Regency.


