The Scientific Approach and Its Implications on the Formation of the Character of Students
scientific approach, learning, student characterAbstract
This study aims to determine the implementation of the scientific approach in Citizenship Education (Civics) learning and its implications for the chapter building of students in the Banjarmasin City Junior High School. The data source in this study was the chairman of the Civics Subject Teacher Conference Banjarmasin City Junior High School, Civics teachers and Banjarmasin City SMPN students. Data were collected through interview techniques, observation and questionnaires. Qualitative data were analyzed using an interactive model of analysis, and quantitative data were analyzed using the SPSS version 25 program. The result of this study indicate that almost all Civics teachers have implemented a scientific approach to learning. However, There are some of them who have not applied it ideally because of the limited facilities they have at school, such as textbooks and learning media. with the application of a scientific approach in Civics learning, students are more active and disciplined in following lessons, there is cooperation in doing assignments, being responsible with assignments, and more confident, thus it can be said that the scientific approach has implications for the formation of student character. This is also in accordance with quantitative data analysis which proves the hypothesis that the scientific approach affects the character of students. From the results of this study it is suggested that teachers, especially PPKn teachers, can apply a scientific approach in learning saccording to the demands of the 2013 curriculum.