How Effective Are Teacher Explanatory Skills on Elementary School Student Involvement in the Mastery of Online-Based Learning Materials?


  • Asfiati State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
  • Sitti Hartinah Universitas Pancasakti, Central Java Indonesia
  • Muhammad Darwis Dasopang, Derlina Hasibuan State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatera, Indonesia


Explaining Skills; Elementary Students' Involvement; Online-Based Learning Materials


This research is conducted because of the low involvement of students in the mastery of online-based learning materials. In general, elementary school students only get learning material without paying attention to and mastering the material provided by the teacher. Students can only study if accompanied by teachers and parents in online-based learning. The learning methods applied by the teacher in delivering lessons have not followed online-based learning procedures. This study aims to identify differences before and after applying teacher explanatory skills in online-based learning and compare between classes that have not applied the skills. The True Experimental Pretest-Postest Control Group Design method is used with a sample of 74 students of 0903 Public Elementary School, Gonting Julu, North Padang Lawas. Researchers use the t-test formula to analyze the data. The results show a significant influence between teacher explanatory skills and student involvement in online-based learning. The study recommends that teachers' presenting abilities explain material in-depth and provide assignments that support elementary student learning.


