Understanding and Teaching Primary Geography


  • Simon CATLING School of Education, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
  • Tessa WILLY University College London Institute of Education, London, UK


Understanding and Teaching Primary Geography, Manifesto for Geography, GA (Geographical Association)


Simon Catling’s and Tessa Willy’s book “Understanding and Teaching Primary Geography” is a strong and dedicated advocation for early and elementary geography education – and at the same time a very convenient, helpful, and inspiring course book. Addressing the praxis at school – teachers on the job and prospective teachers at the same time – it is now available in the second edition, after the first one had been published in 2009. Both authors of this monograph are highly experienced in the field: Simon Catling is a prominent person in primary geography education and former GA (Geographical Association, UK) president. Given this background, the fascination for the subject within this book reminds us of the “Manifesto for Geography” of the GA (2009). Tessa Willy is a professional with similar experience that she gained in various and leading positions in the field of primary education and primary geography teacher training.


