Land/Forest Acquisition After the Maluku Conflict, Its Impact on Ecosobling Rights Ownership Conflict of Rights Owners and Ethics-Moral Implications of Public Policies.
post-Maluku conflict land/forest acquisition disaster, ethical-moral, KSPAbstract
This study aimed to understand how the post-Maluku conflict land/forest acquisition disaster occurred and its impact on land/forest rights ownership conflicts and the ethical-moral implications of public policy. This research used a qualitative approach with action research methods. Data collection used in-depth interviews, observation, documentary studies, FGDs, and non-litigation advocacy designs. The results of the study proved that there has been a Disaster of Land / Forest Change in Post-Maluku Conflict and its Impact on Conflict of Ecosobling Rights of Rights Owners and Ethical-Moral Implications of Public Policy. First, it is proven that the Land / Forest Acquisition, in the form of: 1) implementation of land/forest acquisition based on Land/Forest Management Permits to investors / entrepreneurs; 2) the calculation of the value of compensation is not based on the standard-objective state price, but is based on the subjective willingness of the company holding a Land / Forest Management Permit; 3) the implementation of deliberation does not reflect the principle of transparency; 4) use of court hands for negotiation of consignment results and ignore the principle of deliberation. Second, the forms of violations that were found to have an impact on the destruction of the enforcement and promotion of eco-social rights (economic, social, cultural, and environmental) as well as conflicts with rights owners or indigenous peoples / victims. Referring to the findings of the research, the Indigenous Peoples / Victims Forum as a forum for empowerment and aspirations of rights-holding communities, was facilitated to design and carry out a series of non-violent non-litigation advocacy targeted at: 1) Central Government Officials: Presidential Staff Office (KSP) and Coordinating Ministry for Politics, Law and Human Rights (Kemenko Polhukam); and 2) Local Government.