Foreign tourists’ disloyalty due to geographic distance of hotels: The intention of not revisiting the Subak Cultural Landscape of Bali, Indonesia


  • Gallang Perdhana Dalimunthe Widyatama University
  • Obsatar Sinaga Padjadjaran University
  • Djoko Roespinoedji Widyatama University


Loyalty, Disloyalty, Behavior Intention, Geographic distance


This paper aims to analyze the behavior intention of foreign tourists who visited the Subak Cultural Landscape of Bali. Analysis of behavior intention can assist related parties in achieving the target of tourist visits and increase the contribution of the agricultural sector to tourism in Gross Domestic Product. Behavior intention represents a conative level of loyalty, where loyalty is a major goal in marketing because it is a very important key for the survival and long-term sustainability. The study also included the geographic distance as a factor that can also influence the revisit intentions. Descriptive statistics is used to gather the information of foreign tourists’ loyalty in visiting this particular destination. Results showed that the geographic distance results in less intentions. It can be seen from the result that foreign tourists aren’t passionate enough in revisiting the destination, even though still willing to recommend and do the word-of-mouth marketing.


