Development Model for Environment-Based Learning to Improve Junior High School Students’ Geographical Skills


  • Nur HAMID Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, INDONESIA
  • Gillian ROEHRIG University of Minnesota, UNITED STATES
  • Dewi Liesnoor SETYOWATI Universitas Negeri Semarang, INDONESIA
  • Huriah RACHMAH Universitas Islam Bandung, INDONESIA
  • Muh. Arif ROYYANI Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, INDONESIA
  • Hanifah MAHAT Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, MALAYSIA


Environment-Based-Learning, Loving the Geography Education, Geographical Skills


In this study, an obstacle unlikely faced by teacher is the lack of innovation in the learning model employed. The teachers are still being the center of learning resources so that they are made to correct the perception by creating a learning model that students prefer. This study aims to provide a new design in environment-based-learning (EBL) to improve geographical skills and to encourage students to think critically, innovatively and to come up with solutions. This research was development study of environment-based-learning in geography teaching. Learning media used covered syllabus, lesson plans, student modules and EBL teaching materials. Samples consisted of 32 students aged 13- 14 years who were purposively selected. Data collection techniques were a compilation of observation, interviews, questionnaires documentation, and test. Data were analyzed from the syllabus, study plan, and student module validation along with instructional media, teacher and student response questionnaire, teacher and student interviews, student observation sheets, and students’ learning outcomes. EBL model design consisted of 5 steps, encountering the problem, problem analysis, discovery and reporting, presentation, and review and evaluation. The students’ learning outcome that asses by a test base on geographical skill indicator revealed that students’ geographical skills increase. The indication are the studentsable on thinking critically about changes taken place in their environment, so they could present environmentally friendly measures. Besides, students preferred the new design of EBL as they were welcomed to think in a critical, innovative, and solvable way of solving problems in their environment to improve their geographical skills. Those provided students a belief in loving geography education from an early age.


