The Subversion of Linguistic Hegemony: A Reading of Poile Sengupta’s Keats Was a Tuber
multilingualism, cultural dominance, cultural diversity, language hegemony, native languageAbstract
The research aims to explore the intricate relationship between English language and
literature, its teachers, and students in an Indian classroom through Poile Sengupta’s Keats Was
a Tuber. The shift in language use can impact thinking patterns, leading to a preference for
English over the native language. Recognizing language hegemony emphasizes the need to
support multilingualism and protect endangered languages to preserve cultural diversity and
fairness. While English was introduced by the British, Indians have adopted and adapted it to
suit their own needs, infusing it with their unique cultural perspectives. The play concludes
with the narrator reflecting on the evolution of English language in post-independent India.
The research also tries to prove that the focus should be on acquiring English as a skill, not as
a symbol of cultural dominance. By viewing English as a practical tool rather than a cultural
imposition, one can strike a balance between global aspirations and local identity.