Skill of Location Analysis in Social Studies Curriculum and Textbooks of Turkey


  • Abdullah TÜRKER Gazi University, Ankara, TURKEY


Geographical Skill; Location Analysis; Social Studies


Knowing the location of historical and geographical events and the timeframe when the facts occurred is of great importance for establishing a cause-and-effect relationship. Although it is easy to find a location with the technology developing in daily life, location analysis knowledge and skills are needed to determine the location using nature or to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the current location. Primary and secondary school education are important for students to acquisition locational analysis skills; the foundations are laid in the pre-school period. In this study, the aim is to explain how location analysis skills are considered in the 2018 Social Studies course curriculum and textbooks. In this study, a document review method is used to examine the 2018 Social Studies course curriculum and Social Studies textbooks. As a result of document analysis with descriptive analysis management, only four textbooks contain location analysis skills, which is one of the 27 Skills included in the Social Studies course curriculum. A total of six acquisitions were found to be associated at the grade 4 level. It was determined that the book section on four of the achievements associated with the location analysis skill in the program was quite successful, and the other parts related to the two achievements were far from acquisitioning the location analysis skill. As a result of the research, it is recommended that other grade levels include achievements in location analysis skills and that textbooks be better equipped to acquisition skills.


