The Separatist Movements in The North West of The Mediterranean Basque Region as Model


  • Vian Ahmed Mohamed College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad, Iraq


continent, separatist


The European continent suffers from the presence of some separatist tendencies, as it becomes clear the impact of racial and ethnic variables driving towards the crystallization of separatist conflicts that led to the success of some of them in the establishment of sovereign states, while the other failed to achieve this, the research focused on the importance of matching geographical, cultural and political criteria In the success of separatist trends, he also focused on the role of the policies imposed by the mother state in curbing or exacerbating the separatist trend through the level of justice in the distribution of wealth between the regions, and what are the rights and duties of those oppressed and abused minorities, so the research focused on presenting a model of separatist movements in the continent The European countries, whose countries are democratic and regular states, and to clarify where lies the problem of those minorities who wish to secede, and despite the efforts made by the European Union in its march towards integration and unity and the gatherings and blocs witnessed in the world, whether economic or strategic, which are based on Common interests And the emergence of the phenomenon of separatist movements in Europe, declaring their desire for secession based on (regional identity) by mobilizing and fueling national and ethnic sentiments such as (Basque - Catalan - Galicia in Spain and Scotland in the United Kingdom, Lombardy and Veneto in Italy, Flanders and others, some of them see separation along the lines of What happened in Yugoslavia as a claim for its usurped rights and as an encouraging step for separatist movements in other countries.

