Labour Discipline And Internal Control – Interaction And Boundaries


  • Andriyana Andreeva Plamena Nedyalkova University of Economics – Varna


labour discipline, internal control, employer control, employer authority


This article examines some current issues related to the institutes of labour discipline and the application of control in the observance of labour discipline in the energy sector companies. Emphasis is placed on the modern aspects of these concepts due to the current conditions for employment, as well as the need to define boundaries from a legal and economic point of view. The presented work is an interdisciplinary study, compiling legal aspects and economic analysis in their necessary interrelation. The combination is conditioned by an objective public need for up-to-date regulation in the legal framework of the existing social relations and economic processes. In conclusion, summaries have been formulated and specific proposals have been made for the application of the norms and for the improvement of the legislation.

