The Influence of Fundamental Factors on the Firm Value in Property and Real Estate Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2012-2016


  • Tetty Lasniroha Sarumpaet ,Agatha Rinta ,Dita Indah Rahutami ,Elgha Buema Rhonaulina Sagala ,Fransisco Kevin Adiputra Sumarno Rumondor ,Gesalawati Yolanda Sitorus ,Yuniar Puspita Hapsari Widyatama University, Indonesia


Value of the Firm, Liquidity Ratio, Solvency Ratio, Profitability Ratio


The findings of this study are intended to be used as data and input for the impact of liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and ratio of the profitability on the value of property and real estate companies (the Firm Value), which will be beneficial to the company. The benefits for researchers/academics, in that the findings of this study can contribute to the discipline of accounting and can be used as a benchmark for future research and comparisons on the impact of liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and the profitability ratios on the firm value at property and real estate companies.

