Strategizing Employee Engagement with Artificial Intelligence.


  • Komal Khandelwal Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TURKEY


employee engagement, engagement strategies, developed, artificial intelligence


This article discusses the artificial intelligence (AI) application for employee engagement to resolve applicant and employee disengagement during the important stages of Human Resource Management. The viewpoint article highlights the strategic implications of the application of AI resulting in employee engagement based competitive advantage. This paper builds on the review of recent articles and papers on the application of artificial intelligence for managing employee engagement. AI application in employee engagement is aiding personalization and customization of communications as well as the resolution of issues involved in recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal etc. Importance of coaching with the help of AI in development of employees is established. AI for employee engagement is resulting in benefits like the execution of repetitive and menial tasks by AI-bots is resulting in improvement in work-life balance. This research opens up avenues for studies on how AI application in employee engagement can be further developed. This research leads to the realization of the fact that research in the field of AI application for employee engagement needs to be further expanded with the aid of descriptive and causal research designs. AI developers and clients can realize that AI applications in employee engagement are something that cannot be overlooked. The developers need to conducive AI applications for greater employee engagement. This paper discusses the application of AI in increasing employee engagement and opens up new directions for model development and testing to increase the efficacy of AI-based engagement strategies.


