Modelling Communicative Linguistic Skills Formation in Primary School Students.


  • Baigudanova Gulzhanat, Uzakbayeva Sakhipzhamal, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TURKEY


teaching, grammatical, fostering, proposal, correlation, cognitive, communication, lexical


The purpose of the initial teaching in primary school is the development of speech and thinking of younger schoolchildren, awareness of the elements of the grammatical structure of the language, fostering a love of the language and instilling interest in its knowledge in bilingualism. Mastering other academic subjects depends on the degree of students' speech development, since the language is not only an object of study, but also a means of teaching all school subjects of students of a school. In the implementation of the goal, an important role belongs to students' awareness of the role of the proposal as the most important means of human communication; the awareness of the main and secondary members of the sentence, their correlation, the grammatical connection of the predicate with the subject, the understanding of the rules for combining words and the construction of sentences, which naturally contributes to the development and improvement of the syntactic structure of speech of students, the formation of communicative skills. In the modern period of development of a comprehensive school, the language education of a younger student and his speech development merge more and more thoroughly and reasonably into a single educational and cognitive process. One aspect of this relationship is the careful attitude in school teaching to the function of language as a means of communication, cognition of the world, as well as self[1]development of the student as a person with his own interests, needs and abilities to implement them. The whole picture of the world, the whole life of man (more precisely, of human society) in the world, passed through the collective human consciousness, is reflected in the language and, finding in each language the corresponding forms of expression, becomes the content of communication. The components of the communicative content of the training are: areas of communication, topics and situations, types of communicative tasks, speech actions that are relevant for the selected types of situations. They are combined with the knowledge, skills, abilities (speech competence) necessary for the implementation of these speech actions and a minimum of language tools that implement these communicative tasks. As a result of mastery of communicative speech skills and abilities, based on the selected grammatical, lexical material, it provides actual speech communication of students.

